Hi Daniel,

you are right, I forgot to add a regex to the rule. It could be something 

<group name="ignore,">

  Jan 16 20:46:57 machine_name kernel: [347956.184868] device veth9c8da7ba 
entered promiscuous mode
  <rule id="100001" level="0">
    <regex>device veth\S+ entered promiscuous mode</regex>
    <description>Ignore rule 5104 for weave.</description>


Adapt the regex to the logs generated by weave. Also, you can use *<match>*.

Let me know if it works ;).

On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 6:11:38 PM UTC+1, Daniel B. wrote:
> Jesus, thanks for the response. I'm aware of ossec-logtest always showing 
> the name of the parent (which confused me until I RTFM). Using 
> `ossec-logtest -v` I was able to verify that the decoder was not being hit 
> as the rule for that was not being caught. 
> I did consider inserting an entry into local_rules.xml, but that would 
> ignore *all *alerts with sid 5104 (and not just the ones raised by 
> weave). I suppose it's better than digging through 10 pages of false 
> positives, but I'd like to be able to filter out entries using a regex like 
> "\w+ device veth\w+ entered promiscuous mode$" -- but the rules files can't 
> use the OS_Regex synatx (can only use OS_Match, which is much simpler). 
> Any options other than filtering out all entries with rule ID 5104?
> I *feel* like I should be able to override the iptables decoder... but 
> maybe that's me being optimistic. 
> On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 5:00:47 AM UTC-5, Jesus Linares wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> ossec-logtest always shows the name of the parent.
>> If you want to ignore that alert, just create a rule in local_rules.xml:
>> <group name="ignore,">
>>   <!--
>>   Jan 16 20:46:57 machine_name kernel: [347956.184868] device 
>> veth9c8da7ba entered promiscuous mode
>>   -->
>>   <rule id="100001" level="0">
>>     <if_sid>5104</if_sid>
>>     <description>Ignore rule 5104.</description>
>>   </rule>
>> </group>
>> Jan 16 20:46:57 machine_name kernel: [347956.184868] device veth9c8da7ba 
>> entered promiscuous mode
>> **Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
>>        full event: 'Jan 16 20:46:57 machine_name kernel: [347956.184868] 
>> device veth9c8da7ba entered promiscuous mode'
>>        hostname: 'machine_name'
>>        program_name: 'kernel'
>>        log: '[347956.184868] device veth9c8da7ba entered promiscuous 
>> mode'
>> **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
>>        decoder: 'kernel'
>> **Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
>>        Rule id: '100001'
>>        Level: '0'
>>        Description: 'Ignore rule 5104.'
>> (I changed the name of the decoder from iptables to kernel).
>> I hope it helps.
>> On Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 8:58:28 PM UTC+1, Daniel B. wrote:
>>> We use weave which periodically causes a network interface to enter 
>>> promiscuous mode to sniff network traffic. This is expected behavior, and 
>>> as such, I'm looking to ignore it. 
>>> For reference, the iptables decoder is set at 
>>> https://github.com/ossec/ossec-hids/blob/592d681ea07f9a8bf2bedb039ee9493e6fbe3c26/etc/decoder.xml#L1135
>>> The log line I'm attempting to ignore looks like: 
>>> Jan 16 20:46:57 machine_name kernel: [347956.184868] device 
>>> veth9c8da7ba entered promiscuous mode
>>> Now, this is inserted into my local_decoder.xml file (with an 
>>> appropriate local rule):
>>> <decoder name="iptables_noweave">
>>>   <parent>iptables</parent>
>>>   <prematch offset="after_parent">device (veth\w+) entered promiscuous 
>>> mode</prematch>
>>>   <program_name>kernel</program_name>
>>>   <regex offset="after_prematch"></regex>
>>>   <order>extra_data</order>
>>> </decoder>
>>> I've tried a lot of different variations on the above, including getting 
>>> rid of the parent and prematch offsets (while temporarily deleting the 
>>> original / parent iptables rule in 
>>> etc/ossec_decoders/kernel-iptables_apparmor_decoders.xml
>>> Each time I run the log through ./ossec-logtest, it matches to the 
>>> parent decoder, and as such an alert is fired.
>>> **Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
>>>        full event: 'Jan 16 20:46:57 machine_name kernel: [347956.184868] 
>>> device veth9c8da7ba entered promiscuous mode'
>>>        hostname: 'machine_name'
>>>        program_name: 'kernel'
>>>        log: '[347956.184868] device veth9c8da7ba entered promiscuous 
>>> mode'
>>> **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
>>>        decoder: 'iptables'
>>> **Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
>>>        Rule id: '5104'
>>>        Level: '8'
>>>        Description: 'Interface entered in promiscuous(sniffing) mode.'
>>> **Alert to be generated.
>>> Is there a way I can override the iptables decoder for this one specific 
>>> log message? 
>>> Any help is appreciated, thanks!


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