Hi Jesus, thanks for the help!

I had tested this too, but I did not succeed.
I tried put vd=\.* and it did not work. I think there was some junk in the 

I ran update_ruleset.py, I put the rule there and it worked. I do not know 
what happened. 

Em segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2017 06:48:24 UTC-3, Jesus Linares escreveu:
> Hi,
> your prematch is wrong:
>    - log: [...] vd=root logdesc [...]
>    - prematch: [...] vd=*"*\.+*"* [...]
> Try this one:
> <!--
> date=2017-05-20 time=07:31:20 devname=Fw1-sa-dc2d-g56 
> devid=FGT60D0000000000 logid=01016745858 type=event subtype=vpn 
> level=notice vd=root logdesc="IPsec phase 2 status changed" msg="IPsec 
> phase 2 status change" action=phase2-down remip= locip= 
> remport=500 locport=500 outintf="wan2" 
> cookies="dfaf555664477957/b55566998873c6f9" user="N/A" group="N/A" 
> xauthuser="N/A" xauthgroup="N/A" assignip=N/A vpntunnel="VPN_XPTO" 
> phase2_name=VPN_XPTO
> -->
> <decoder name="fortigate-firewall-v5-event-vpn-fields4">
>     <parent>fortigate-firewall-v5</parent>
>     <prematch offset="after_parent">type=event subtype=vpn level=
> </prematch>
>     <regex>logdesc="\.+" msg="(\.+)" action=(\.*) remip=(\S+) locip=(\S+) 
> \.*vpntunnel="(\.*)"</regex>
>     <order>extra_data,action,dstip,srcip,status</order>
> </decoder>
> **Phase 2: Completed decoding.
>        decoder: 'fortigate-firewall-v5'
>        extra_data: 'IPsec phase 2 status change'
>        action: 'phase2-down'
>        dstip: ''
>        srcip: ''
>        status: 'VPN_XPTO'
> **Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
>        Rule id: '81603'
>        Level: '0'
>        Description: 'Fortigate messages grouped.'
> I hope it helps.
> Regards.
> On Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 4:41:24 PM UTC+2, RWagner wrote:
>> Ooops!
>> Correcting the decoder parent and my decoder:
>> Decoder parent:
>> <decoder name="fortigate-firewall-v5">
>>     <prematch>date=\S+ time=\.+ devname=\S+ devid=FG\w+ logid=\d+ 
>> </prematch>
>>     <type>syslog</type>
>> </decoder>
>> My decoder:
>> <decoder name="fortigate-firewall-v5-event-vpn-fields4">
>>     <parent>fortigate-firewall-v5</parent>
>>     <prematch offset="after_parent">type=event subtype=vpn level=\S+ 
>> vd="\.+" logdesc="\.+" msg=</prematch>
>>     <regex>logdesc="\.+" msg="(\.+)" action=(\.*) remip=(\S+) locip=(\S+) 
>> \.*vpntunnel="(\.*)"</regex>
>>     <order>extra_data,action,dstip,srcip,status</order>
>> </decoder>
>> Em domingo, 28 de maio de 2017 11:38:16 UTC-3, RWagner escreveu:
>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-n47to6eHiT8/WSrf3ePZq2I/AAAAAAAAAAM/oDmoGiNxQCMbTKeSY_ZXpouAclLZBSoIACLcB/s1600/ossec-logtest%2Bresult.JPG>
>>> Hi Guys!
>>> I'm making a decoder for problems with vpn phase_2 for the fortigate.
>>> Sample log:
>>> date=2017-05-20 time=07:31:20 devname=Fw1-sa-dc2d-g56 
>>> devid=FGT60D0000000000 logid=01016745858 type=event subtype=vpn 
>>> level=notice vd=root logdesc="IPsec phase 2 status changed" msg="IPsec 
>>> phase 2 status change" action=phase2-down remip= locip= 
>>> remport=500 locport=500 outintf="wan2" 
>>> cookies="dfaf555664477957/b55566998873c6f9" user="N/A" group="N/A" 
>>> xauthuser="N/A" xauthgroup="N/A" assignip=N/A vpntunnel="VPN_XPTO" 
>>> phase2_name=VPN_XPTO
>>> Decoder parent:
>>> <Decoder name = "fortigate-firewall-v5">
>>>     <Divatch> date = \ S + time = \. + Devname = \ S + devid = FG \ w + 
>>> logid = \ d +
>>>     <Type> syslog </ type>
>>> </ Decoder>
>>> My decoder:
>>> <Decoder name = "fortigate-firewall-v5-event-vpn-fields4">
>>>     <Parent> fortigate-firewall-v5 </ parent>
>>>     </ Div> </ div> </ div> </ div> </ div> <div class =
>>>     <Regex> logdesc = "\. +" Msg = "(\. +)" Action = (\. *) Remip = (\ 
>>> S +) locip = </ Regex>
>>>     <Order> extra_data, action, dstip, srcip, status </ order>
>>> </ Decoder>
>>> In the image with the test done with the logtest, does not show data 
>>> extra_data, action, dstip, srcip, status.
>>> I wonder what's wrong with my decoder.


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