Unfortunately that didn't work Maarten.  After following that logic I am 
still getting all the email alerts for that account again.  And yes, I 
restarted the OSSEC daemons after adding the rules  :-)

However, when I run the log entry against ossec-logtest, it appears to do 
what I want by matching my overwritten #18180 rule -- yet in reality it 
still sends an email due to it matching the #18152 composite rule (I'm not 
sure how to use ossec-logtest to test a composite rule with multiple log 

Here are the rules I added:

  <!-- Rewrite rule #18180 to narrow down to bad SQL account and not add 
the 'win_authentication_failed' group -->
  <rule id="18180" level="5" overwrite="yes">
    <match>Login failed for user 'USERNAME'</match>
    <description>MS SQL Server Logon Failure for 'dpa' only</description>

  <!-- Add new rule to take the place of rule #18180 after matching our bad 
SQL account -->
  <rule id="100150" level="5">
    <description>MS SQL Server Logon Failure for 'dpa' only</description>

Here's the output from ossec-logtest:

2017/11/21 10:31:13 ossec-testrule: INFO: Reading local decoder file.
2017/11/21 10:31:13 ossec-testrule: INFO: Started (pid: 27437).
ossec-testrule: Type one log per line.

2017 Nov 16 12:43:56 WinEvtLog: Application: AUDIT_FAILURE(18456): 
MSSQLSERVER: (no user): no domain: SERVER: Login failed for user 'USERNAME'. 
Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'DATABASE'. [CLIENT
: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]

**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
       full event: '2017 Nov 16 12:43:56 WinEvtLog: Application: 
AUDIT_FAILURE(18456): MSSQLSERVER: (no user): no domain: SERVER: Login 
failed for user 'USERNAME'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified 
database 'DATABASE'. [CLIENT: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]'
       hostname: 'SERVER'
       program_name: '(null)'
       log: '2017 Nov 16 12:43:56 WinEvtLog: Application: 
AUDIT_FAILURE(18456): MSSQLSERVER: (no user): no domain: SERVER: Login 
failed for user 'USERNAME'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified 
database 'DATABASE'. [CLIENT: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]'

**Phase 2: Completed decoding.
       decoder: 'windows'
       status: 'AUDIT_FAILURE'
       id: '18456'
       extra_data: 'MSSQLSERVER'
       dstuser: '(no user)'
       system_name: 'SERVER'

**Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
       Rule id: '18180'
       Level: '5'
       Description: 'TEMP NOISE REDUCTION: MS SQL Server Logon Failure for '
**Alert to be generated.

What am I still missing?  Any ideas?


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