Hello Jack,

I realize this is a rather dated thread but I wanted to provide an answer 
for those that may land here through their search engine of preference.

In order to collect events from Windows Defenders you may use the following 
        <location>Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational</location>

This will collect all logs from Windows Defender without needing to query 
for specific events. 

I hope this helps you.
Best Regards,
Juan Carlos Tello

On Monday, October 28, 2019 at 10:17:51 PM UTC+1, Jack Porter wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way of configuring Ossec to monitor Windows Defender 
> Operational logs located in the applications and services event group?
> I have attempted to use the following permutations in my Windows agents 
> ossec.conf file (please see attached text file).
>  But encounter the following error message when looking at the logs on my 
> Windows Ossec agent:
> *2019/10/28 16:20:51 ossec-logcollector: ERROR: Could not EvtSubscribe() 
> for (Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational) which returned (15001)*
> I am pointing to the log name outlined in event viewer for the location, 
> using the event channel log format and event id's outlined in Microsoft's 
> documentation 
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-antivirus/troubleshoot-windows-defender-antivirus
> Kind regards,
> Jack Porter


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