On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Kervin L. Pierre wrote:
Hello Fredrick,
Good to hear of your interest.  Are you familiar
with MAPI?  Win32 API Programming at all?
I test using Windows XP and Office 2003.  What
version of the DLLs are you using?  We should be
past most, if not all, the schema change errors
though the DLLs are not complete so Outlook isn't
going to do much besides start downloading messages.
I didn't want to step on the OpenXChange guys toes,
I know they sell their provider.  My goal was to
come up with a CalDAV transport provider first. But
*if* there is interest and _help_ for getting an
OpenXChange transport provider done, then we can do
that instead.


Hi Kervin,
I'm a general coder/security specialist, have been working in unix/linux the past years, earlier I developed all kinds of stuff in win32, ranging from a GINA biometric login to a complete buisness systems. But, yeah - MAPI coding is familiar :) Have been stuck developing a PKI system on Solaris for a year (Modified Netscape CMS), but thats history now.

I think I should get up and running quite fast just as long as I get some spare time, girlfriend and my regular work + my own company takes alot of time now. But vacation is near!

My interest of a connector for Openxchange is because I have customers wanting OX, but is missing the Outlook part. And the community www.radioseven.se i'm a part of is using OX for intranet/webmail purposes, we want it there aswell.

Hopefully I can contribute with something useful, future will tell!

If you say otlkcon will work on Office2003/XP I'll just do some more debugging and fix the problems. I was just curious since the screendumps was from Office2000.


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