On 12/6/05, Charles Wyble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Slater wrote:
> > I've just finished the framework of the Message Transport.
> Very nice.
>  I started
> > over when someone (maybe that was Charles? I can't find the email  now)
> > pointed me to a much better, and recent, MessageTransport  provider
> > example on one of the MDSN blogs.
> Don't go implicating me in your wild schemes to take over the world!
> And yes it may have been me. I think I posted about some of the MSDN
> blogs. I know Kervin has as well.
>  It had a few advantages:  cleaner
> > code, modern code, well documented. I think my new version  will also
> > have fewer copyright issues, if any, because none of the  actual code
> > was copied verbatim (though I used their logging system,  but that's
> > somewhat easy to replace once this is installed in the  OpenConnector
> > codebase).
> See what happens when M$ marketing doesn't dictate how the engieers
> operate? You get clean succint code that actually works without bugs.
> >
> > I'm at the point where Outlook starts up, tells it to flush its  inbound
> > and outbound messages, and then it seems to shutdown.
> Sounds like progress.
> I'd  like to watch
> > the status change, and I've implemented a MAPIStatus  subclass, but I'm
> > not sure where in Outlook I can actually observe  the status of the
> > message transport, and what state its in (part of  the status row
> > includes human-readable text associated with the  current status code).
You could watch transports status rows only under Outlook 2000
In Outlook XP and upper this part is broken.
Outlook 2000 is the most MAPI compliant client.
> Well. You could use SapiMapi: http://openconnector.org/sapimapi/ or
> MapiSPY: http://mapispy.blogspot.com/ to watch it possibly. Or use
> OutlookSpy: http://www.dimastr.com/outspy/
> >
> > Starting next week, I'll be working on adding CalDAV calls to the  code.
> > If anyone has more insights into how Outlook deals with  calendar data,
> > especially in terms of addressability, this is the  time to share them.
There is undocumented COM component that converts iCalendar to MAPI
and vice versa. Its interface is available in tlb. Function names are
rather self exlanatory.

component is located in MIMEDIR.DLL.
I've added spying of IMDCvt_iCal interface to MAPISpy.
To see logs you neeed to enable spying CoCreateInstance function.

> Well the last time you asked about it
> (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8949876&forum_id=14055)
> I posted this URL
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;899919 .
> Not sure if it helped at all. Don't ask me how I found that article. I
> have no clue!
> > :) The only thing we suspect at this point is  that they are CDO
> > objects, but I haven't seen Outlook ever try to  send them through a
> > Message Transport. That may be a function of  where the transport is
> > placed in the MAPISVC file... haven't tried  playing with that yet.
> It appears that both CDO and Extended MAPI are used. The MSDN/KB article
> has example code for each. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Actualy we need Transport provider only for sending/receving meeting requests.
As for appointments it is up to MsgStore to process storing/retreiving.

> Charles

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