Hello Group,


Testing against Cosmo CalDAV server continues.  Basic 'Add/
Display/Modify/Delete' functions on Outlook events all work.
That was the requirement for the first demo version, so we
should see that binary snapshot as soon as the most intrusive
and obvious crasher bugs are fixed this week.  Also various
synchronization bugs remain to be address.

This Week

We should complete testing for the 'demo' Alpha release this
week sometime if the remaining synch issues are worked out as
planned.  This is an Alpha release intended for testing only.

ChangeLog Entries
2006-05-30  kervin

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp: Delete
          works sometimes. We need to normalize the URI at modification
          points. Currently there are a lot of sync issues. We use Puts,
          syncs, and deletes regularly.

2006-05-29  kervin

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IFolder.cpp,
          mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp: delete notifications register now.
          CalDAV's DeleteResource() fails with 'DELETE not supported on
          URL' error. Continue with that.
        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IFolder.cpp,
          mstore/O_IProp.cpp: Continued with message deletes. Not getting
          the fnevObjectDelete notifications for some reason. Continue
          with that.

2006-05-28  doublebug

        * mstore/O_IMessage.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.h, mstore/O_IProp.cpp,
          mstore/O_IStream.cpp, mstore/O_IStream.h: O_IStream fixed.
          Now OpenProperty with PR_BODY is working properly.
          Now O_IStream is transaction aware.

2006-05-27  kervin

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IContainer.h,
          mstore/O_IFolder.cpp, mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp,
          mstore/O_IProp.cpp, otlkcon_config.h, otlkcon_prop2str.reg: More
          untested work on deleting messages and folders. Need to update
          contents and hierarchy tables then test.

2006-05-26  kervin

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IFolder.cpp,
          mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp: Working on DeleteMessages() stuff. Not
          working yet. Sync.

2006-05-25  kervin

        * AllocProfiler/AllocProfiler.vcproj, Installer/Installer.vcproj,
          mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IContainer.h,
          mstore/O_IFolder.cpp, mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp,
          mstore/O_IXPLogon.h, mstore/mstore.cpp, otlkcon.sln,
          protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp, tests/tests.vcproj: First, untested
          pass at deleting appointments. I'm not even sure if deleting
          local messages work yet ( can't remember ). Also, some small
          allocprofiler changes; profiler will have to wait a while until
          the more pressing issues are done.

2006-05-22  doublebug

        * mstore/O_IMessage.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.h, mstore/mstore.cpp,
          mstore/mstore.vcproj, protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp,
          protocols/ical/libical/icalmemory.c: Added iCal UID creation if
          Outlook does not do that.
          Tested under Outlook XP against Oracle server.
          Seems appointment are being created successfully.
          removed explicit ical buffer freeing. seems to eliminate memory
          there is a special temp buffer ring.
          TODO: fix temp buffer allocation/deallocation

2006-05-22  kervin

        * AllocProfiler/AllocProfiler.cpp, AllocProfiler/AllocProfiler.h,
          tests/otlkcon_tests_allocprofiler.cpp: Looked at AllocProfiler a

2006-05-21  doublebug

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IFolder.cpp,
          mstore/O_IProp.cpp, protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp: Updating Etag
          for message added.
          So now upload works more or less as expected.
          Tried recurrent appointments with Cosmo. Creating failed.

2006-05-20  doublebug

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IContainer.h,
          mstore/O_IMessage.cpp, mstore/O_IProp.cpp, mstore/O_IProp.h,
          otlkcon_event.cpp, otlkcon_memory.cpp, otlkcon_memory.h:
          Continue message upload.
          Non transacted functions in O_IMessage are complete.
          TODO:Update Etag for uploaded message.

2006-05-19  kervin

        * Installer/Makefile.mak, Installer/otlkcon.wxs: Fixes to get
          build working with latest version of WiX installer libraries.
          This breaks the current WiX program! Please upgrade.

2006-05-18  kervin

        * AllocProfiler/AllocProfiler.h, AllocProfiler/Stackwalker.h,
          boost/io, boost/io/ios_state.hpp, mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp,
          mstore/mstore.vcproj, otlkcon.sln,
          tests/compiler_log_formatter.cpp, tests/cpp_main.cpp,
          tests/execution_monitor.cpp, tests/framework.cpp,
          tests/otlkcon_tests_iprop.cpp, tests/otlkcon_tests_iprop.h,
          tests/plain_report_formatter.cpp, tests/progress_monitor.cpp,
          tests/results_collector.cpp, tests/results_reporter.cpp,
          tests/test_main.cpp, tests/test_tools.cpp, tests/tests.cpp,
          tests/tests.vcproj, tests/unit_test_log.cpp,
          tests/unit_test_main.cpp, tests/unit_test_monitor.cpp,
          tests/unit_test_parameters.cpp, tests/unit_test_suite.cpp,
          tests/xml_log_formatter.cpp, tests/xml_report_formatter.cpp:
          Updates to AllocProfiler and unit test project. Moving towards
          functioning tests on AllocProfiler DLL capabilities.
        * AllocProfiler, AllocProfiler/AllocProfiler.cpp,
          AllocProfiler/Stackwalker.cpp, AllocProfiler/Stackwalker.h,
          AllocProfiler/stdafx.cpp, AllocProfiler/stdafx.h, otlkcon.sln,
          protocols/ical/libical/libical.vcproj, tests/tests.vcproj:
          Adding the AllocProfiler project for allocation leak detection.
          Hopes it works eventually.

2006-05-16  kervin

        * mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp, otlkcon_config.h,
          protocols/file/file.vcproj, tests/tests.vcproj: Small 'file' and
          'test' build fixes. Also, allow messages to be continuously
          downloaded or not based on a preprocessor macro.

2006-05-14  doublebug

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IContainer.h,
          mstore/O_IFolder.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.cpp,
          mstore/O_IMessage.h, mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp,
          mstore/O_ITable.cpp, mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp, otlkcon_config.h,
          otlkcon_event.cpp, otlkcon_memory.cpp,
          protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp, protocols/caldav/caldav.h: Upload
          flow is almost fixed
          There still some TODOs
          in O_IContainer::OnUploadRes
          And in O_IMessage
          //TODO: These functions should not be transacted
          HRESULT BeginUploading();
          HRESULT CompleteUploading();
          BOOL IsUploading();
          BOOL IsDownloading();
          HRESULT BeginDownloading();
          HRESULT CompleteDownloading();
          BOOL HasForeignID();
          HRESULT CreateNewForeignID();
          //END TODO: These functions should not be transacted
          Fixed some deadlocks and memory corruptions.

2006-05-14  kervin

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.cpp: Set the
          PR_OTLKCON_FOREIGN_ID on messages on their first SaveChanges().
          We have deadlock in O_IContainer::OnIdRes().
        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.cpp,
          mstore/O_IXPProvider.cpp, otlkcon_event.cpp: Small fixes testing
          upload. Does not work yet. O_IContainer::OnGetIdRes() needs to
          be debugged. Continue with that.

2006-05-13  kervin

        * mstore/O_IMSProvider.cpp, mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp,
          mstore/O_ITable.cpp, otlkcon_entryid.h, otlkcon_event.cpp,
          otlkcon_memory.cpp: Small fixes getting message store to load
          again. Change in entryIDs requires uninstalling the message
          service completely and then re-installing the service.

2006-05-12  kervin

        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.cpp,
          mstore/O_IMessage.h, mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp, mstore/O_IXPLogon.h,
          protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp, protocols/caldav/caldav.h: Last of
          untested changes for UPLOAD support. Testing is next.
        * mstore/O_IContainer.cpp, mstore/O_IContainer.h: More untested
          and incomplete work on message upload. Looks like
          container-side code for upload is function complete. Next do
          UPLOAD message handler for XP.

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