Michael Neef schrieb:
hier die Ausgabe auf der Kommandozeile nach dem "install GD" aufruf:
cpan> install GD
Where is libgd installed? [/usr/lib]
Was muss ich jetzt da angeben?

Ah - jetzt, ja. Eine Insel:

"The GD module currently isn't available in the ActiveState PPM repository. This is because it is very difficult to build and is not suitable for ActiveState's automated build system, as it requires quite a external libraries. PPMs for the GD module can be found in other repositories and installed as follows:

    ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/GD.ppd

This will install the GD PPM from the University of Winnipeg's version 5.8 PPM repository. For the 5.6 PPM repository, use:

    ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/GD.ppd
Quelle: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/ActivePerl/PPM/Repository

Versuche bei ActiveState Perl immer alles per ppm oder ppm3 zu installieren - das meiste (komplizierte) andere geht eh' schief. GD ist kompliziert.


Robert Kehl
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