I've installed SystemMonitoring to work with receiving inbound tickets
from an external vendors ticketing system. Apparently my regex'ing is so
rusty I'm unable to make this work. So far it's not even identifying
anything as a new ticket since based on what I can see I should be able
to see data in the free fields when it does find something that looks
like a new ticket. Is that correct? Basically I'm just clicking on "free
fields" and they're still blank on things that should have been
identified as new tickets.


Thank you,
Jason Loven
Manager - Technical Services

Computer Associates, Inc.
36 Thurber Blvd, Smithfield RI 02917
Phone: (401)232-2600, Fax: (401)232-7778
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <blocked::mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Web: http://www.cainetserv.com/ <blocked::http://www.cainetserv.com/> 


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