Hi list,

I have a situation where I'd like to have the SystemMonitoring module handle 
almost identical tickets in multiple queues.
With my current config, it doesn' work so well.

Here's what happens:
A host or service goes down somewhere, and our monitoring software sends two 
(almost) identical alerts/e-mails.
One to "IT-Helpdesk" because something is wrong with a hosted solution, and one 
to "Product-A-Helpdesk" because something is wrong with a product "A".
When the e-mail arrives in the IT queue, a new ticket is created and subsequent 
alerts is tied to the existing ticket.
However, the second e-mail that goes to the product queue is *also* tied to the 
IT ticket (or the other way around, depending on which e-mail arrives first).
That's undesirable in this situation.

One might argue that IT should be given access to the product queue, but that 
doesn't make sense as only a few of the tickets there relate to IT.
The same argument is valid the other way around.
A separate monitoring queue where both have access might be a way, but also 
seems a bit overkill.

As far as I have understood, SystemMonitoring tries to put together alerts for 
the same host by matching on "host" and "service", and then sets the state from 
I could have the monitoring software name the "host" something different for 
the product queue, but I'd also like to keep the host the DNS name of the 
Perhaps just changing "service" is where I'll end up, but do any of you see 
another way forward?

Could I have SystemMonitoring match on yet another field besides host and 
(and how would I go around doing this)

Calling the service "<service>_Product-A", I guess would fix it (if my 
assumption above is correct).

Thanks for any insight, and have a great weekend all. :-)

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