On Thursday 09 June 2005 03:18 pm, Jan Kandziora wrote:
> How does owserver reacts if the serial/usb etc. 1-wire adapter is pulled
> and reconnected later? As far as I checked, owserver does not recognize the
> reconnect. How to solve this?
> Kind regards
>       Jan

OWFS doesn't care that the adapter was removed and then reconnected, but the 
operating system or adapter might.

1. owserver -- no problem. Whatever owserver that appears on the requested 
port will be used, even after being stopped and started.

2. passive adapter -- probably quite happy. I don't have one to test, but the 
adapter has no real state information and the port settings shouldn't be 

3. usb adapters -- a problem with the OS/libusb with the "hotplugging" 
recognition that the adapter was removed -- it closes the connection. It's 
probably fixable (reopen the device if found closed) but there may be some 
problems if another process is intentionally closing the port.

4. serial 9097U -- I think we lose state information in the adapter. Probably 
running DS2480_detect again would fix it.

So one technique:

1. Each physical port (serial, usb) gets an owserver process.
2. Your main owserver connects to all the individual owservers.
3. owtcl connects to the main owserver.
4. An intermittent process scans the individual owservers, and restarts the 
broken ones (which reconnects with the physical ports if possible).


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