On Friday 24 February 2006 06:27 pm, Krzysztof Drewicz wrote:
> Paul Alfille napisaƂ(a):
> >>I don't want do use owfs on my small box (i would like to use 16MB of SF
> >>card) but i would like to talk dicectlly to owserwer process.
> >
> >Is your "small box" network connected? If your "strip" owfs and fuse and
> Network -maybe. GSM box w/ gprs and sms connectivity 100% sure yes it is.
> >owhttpd they are quite small. They run on 4MB Linksys routers even with
> > the routing functions present (as well as rrd, and data storage).
> >
> >If you are network connected, owfs doesn't need to run on the box, just
> >owserver.
> Yes. I've done it (integrating into small flash owhttp + owserwer). It
> was easiest thing to do, since i use uClibc and busybox.
> I want to have 'one very selfsufficientbox box' so i use GSM on a
> 'pcmcia' with external antenna.
You certainly will want only intermittent connections, then.
> >http://owfs.sf.net/wiki/index.php/NetworkProtocol
> >(Sorry, the tables were lost in a recent edit -- restored)
> Ok, seems very simple and easy to program. When/if i finish, it (the
> program) will be GPLed and posted/published...
Good. If you are going to use that interface, I guess we should start using 
the "version" field to keep everything interoperable. 
Version is a 4-byte field.

I was thinking of making it:
struct version {
    uint16_t major ;
    uint16_t minor ;

With major changed when forward compatibility would be broken. (We'll try to 
keep backward compatibility). Does this sound ok? 
> >Very interesting -- something I've always contemplated.
> >Basically, you want to store unique application-specific data for each
> > device.
> Yes. And...
> >the file types, and the data would evaporate with a reboot.
> That's biggest problem. I *NEED* to reeboot  time to time and have no
> intension to reenter values from filesystem every boot, when i could
> store&write them.
> Also i need http based config for my 'founder'..
> >Another point: use "arrays". phone.1 phone.2 ...
> >OWFS handles these efficiently, and it's easier to alter in the future.
> Ok good point here!
> if someone is interested:
> there willbe a dot-matrix printer recording temperature every hour or
> so, and everything (whole project) is made because of  "The Law" in
> Poland, nowadays some poor man has to note down reading of 8 termometers
> every hour and sing his name. Very interesting job some may say...

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