Am 09.05.20 um 14:42 schrieb Mick Sulley:
> I understand how caching works for temperature sensors, use of
> simultaneous etc, but how do I/O modules work in that respect?
> I am particularly interested in DS2413. Is there any difference between
> "owwrite /TestIO/PIO.A 1" and "owwrite /uncached/TestIO/PIO.A 1",
They both write to the chip. No difference.

> similarly with reading, is it safer to use "owread
> /uncached/TestIO/PIO.A" rather than "owread /TestIO/PIO.A"
Only reading /uncached will give you the current value the chip read
each time. The cached one may be seconds old, depending on when you read
it from the chip last time.

> and is there
> a performance hit?
Reading a cached value does not introduce any bus transfer.

Kind regards


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