OK I will log read times and see what that shows.

You say 'I also log if the error of the 1wire bus changes.' how do you do that?

No I don't really need to read that fast, this is just a test setup to get a better understanding so I can hopefully fine tune my main system.

There should not be anything else running.  I just tried running top at the same time, I monitored it at the point of the slow scan and didn't see anything else significant.


On 06/08/2020 09:06, Martin Patzak wrote:
It looks like your timing has improved after all!

in your original Python-code you could time every read for each sensor.
I have also powered sensors and a read is usually faster than 0.1 seconds.
I log in a file if the read took longer than 0.3 seconds, which is almost never the case. I also log in the file if the whole reading loop took longer than 3 seconds, which again is almost never the case.

I also log if the error of the 1wire bus changes.

I read 25 sensors every full and every half minute, so maybe you could implement a delay as well and see if things get more consistent.
Do you need to read so fast in a loop for you application?

What else is running on your machine? You could run top in parallel to your python loop.

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