Look in the templates folder of visual studio.  For the past two years I have 
coded against code analysis and stylecop. Most of the rubbish created by visual 
sudio automagicaly. Can be changed by editing the templates.


------Original Message------
From: Stephen Price
Sender: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com
To: ozDotNet
ReplyTo: ozDotNet
Subject: Resharper naming rules
Sent: 7 Feb 2011 01:59


I noticed some of the Visual Studio generated names (or it may be part
of the template) has some names in the form of Application_Startup.
The method names generated for events take that form too (when you
type += then tab, tab). Do people normally rename those methods to
PascalCaseMethodName? (I normally do).
Is there a way to change the naming convention Visual Studio uses for
those method names? (I've not seen one but might be buried in the
Options somewhere)


"When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail." I feel much 
the same way about xml

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