
That was also my memory of the timeline... Maybe my memory is faulty or
history has been rewritten (or is being rewritten) by the politicians.


On 9 November 2012 14:28, Ian Thomas <> wrote:

> ****
> *The federal government will use its powers under the Telecommunications
> Act to block hundreds of child abuse websites already identified by
> Interpol, Fairfax reports.*
> *Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said blocking these websites met
> "community expectations and fulfils the government's commitment to
> preventing Australian internet users from accessing child abuse material
> online".*
> *"Given this successful outcome, the government has no need to proceed
> with mandatory filtering legislation," he said.*
> *Kevin Rudd promised to introduce an internet filter when Labor won
> office at the 2007 election, but it was always a controversial policy.*
> ** **
> I had always assumed that implementing an internet filter was Conroy’s own
> idea. He wouldn’t listen to any technology arguments against it. ****
> ------------------------------
> **Ian Thomas**
> Victoria Park, ****Western Australia********

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