I haven't downloaded Windows 8 yet and can't check this on IE 10. If anyone
has IE 10 and can check if it also has this problem I might be able to file
a bug report on the IE 10 feedback site and include the information that it
applies to IE 8 & 9 too.

I suspect that this is actually a Windows 7 issue, underneath, and may not
surface on Windows 8 at all.


On 9 November 2012 10:43, noonie <neale.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Wallace,
> I don't think it's a feature as the user would be prevented from pasting
> in the first place. Here the user is only allowed to paste successfully
> when they make the correct magic incantation!
> --
> Regards,
> noonie
> On 9 November 2012 10:19, Wallace Turner <wallacetur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Without knowing anything about it, I suspect that is rated as a 'feature'
>> and not a fault...
>> similar thing occurs for remote desktop whereby you cant cut/paste the
>> password in (this is bypassed by using mRemote)
>> On 9/11/2012 5:29 AM, noonie wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> We've come across an annoying bug that appears to be in Internet
>>> Explorer 8 & 9 on Windows 7. If a user accesses a web site that uses basic
>>> auth and they copy their login and or password into the Windows Security
>>> dialog, then paste the value using their right mouse button, the
>>> authentication fails.
>>> Checking the headers reveals that, depending on what was pasted (either
>>> login or password), the basic auth header is either missing, incomplete or
>>> corrupted. Interestingly if Ctl-V is used for the paste then everything's
>>> fine.
>>> I can find very little information about this online. Although there is
>>> a discussion at http://social.technet.**microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/**
>>> w7itprosecurity/thread/**80f59d82-84ca-4d87-93d4-**dacc61f46a3f/<http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itprosecurity/thread/80f59d82-84ca-4d87-93d4-dacc61f46a3f/>there's
>>>  no indication that this has been acknowledged as a bug by Microsoft
>>> or that they're doing anything about it.
>>> Has anyone stumbled across this or knows more from a Microsoft
>>> perspective?
>>> I've also had a report from one user that this is also a problem when
>>> using Windows Explorer to access a protected share but I've yet to confirm
>>> this for myself.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> noonie
>>> P.S. As to why would a user would copy and past their password...
>>> probably because we force them to use complex un-rememberable passwords :-(

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