I don't know much about the future of Microsoft because I suspect not many
INSIDE Microsoft themselves have a clear definitive handle on that (not to
sound jaded, i honestly do believe they are still haggling over how to
raise the broken into fixable solutions).

I would say this, the company has built up enough equity in the past to
make a full focused run at Consumer adoption for products that would
typically sell reasonably if not better in enterprise/smallbiz but they in
the end hit a wall. I think it was mainly they didn't understand the
consumers needs and were to busy trying to graph compete strategies they
have used on Enterprise into the same space as consumers (Internally
Microsoft can be quite aggressive and paralysed with fear around
competitive events - its a huge weakness imho).

If you were to unpack Windows 8 today and really take a step back from it
all, there's not a lot of negativity associated with what they have done. I
look at Windows 8 as the parity release between Silverlight/WPF and all the
fixes customers (devs) wanted but it was delivered in a way that
traumatised the base. It could have been delivered with a softer approach
to change management in that instead of holding a gun to our collective
heads with the intent of "upgrade or else" simple things like namespace /
sdk related issues would have been enough to build confidence with the
developer base around migration / roadmap. A developer would be fine with
with Windows 7 WPF/Silverlight development today provided they know
eventually with a Windows 8 upgrade the performance and scaleability issues
would naturally resolve themselves (ie devs dont spend to much time
haggling over the rendering pipeline).

If you then combine Windows Phone 8 (which is really still in many ways the
Silverlight behaviour) you again then tick the other box around reach on
mobility devices. You are still locking them down into a world called
"windows" which doesn't piss a lot of enterprise companies off, especially
with the current turbulence in the device market we see today. Enterprise
companies right now are a little paranoid or scared about their mobility
adoption strategies because its one thing to say "I want breadth" and
another to say "i want breadth and depth' when it comes to User experiences
that count. If a company wants to get their "mobility" story together, they
often associate mobility with web because breadth is far more attractive
story than a depth discussion. Breadth means HTML/JS because it means I
don't have to have specialist teams (Java, ObjectiveC, C#/Mono etc). Depth
requires the opposite because you can only put off that problem for so long
before someone within a team suddely comes to work wearing his/her "Java
Conference 1998" t-shirt and smells funny because they do Android

Microsoft had an opportunity to do a simple rinse/repeat on the
"Embrace/Extend" model with Windows and like I said, Enterprise would
likely have been fine to play in that sandpit (of course they'd keep
pushing on the "make my C#/XAML apps work on all" angle every step of the

In keeping Enterprise bellies full that would have stabilised at the very
least their largest piece of the profit share pie, in that they would have
bought themselves another 2-5 years to focus on Consumer more without
having to pay the tax on losing hearts/minds of business grade solutions.
This would have also given them more adoption metrics around the mobility +
desktop upgrade story because if a company buys 10-100 units of one piece
of hardware because it was easier to develop against well thats 10-100
forced adoption(s) on users which after a while could turn into
positive/negative evangelist for those products (Forced adoption is not a
bad strategy ...its just ethically horrid).

But.. sadly none of the above has happened, instead Sinofsky wen't rogue,
went aggressive not just internally but externally and let his own
self-inflated arrogance steer the ship in a direction of aggressive change
management which has backfired. Now the new heads of state have to figure
out how to salvage what they have left into meaningful pieces that can
essentially tap into the above behaviours.

The article is right, you have really three options - fade out you core
business (enterprise) and go full retard on consumers adoption, reverse the
namespace/SDK engines and build a bridge between old and new but lose what
small foothold you have on consumers  - or - abandon consumer focus and
retreat back to safety around enterprise/small business.

I'd place my money on the 2nd option, bridge building but that's going to
be filled with a lot of apologies and the only way they can even attempt to
make that work is to ramp up their DPE practices beyond where it is today
(that is a lot of people on a lot of planes, apologising and seeding a
new/existing audience with solutions). The head of DPE (former CEO of
Skype) is a business development numbers guy who clearly has no real
passion for DPE, so i don't see how even if they find a way to build that
bridge can make that happen (it's an attitude issue as well as a technical

Building a bridge between old and new is not as scary as one would assume
(well i dont anyway), there is a lot of positive work put into the Windows
8 SDK's .. i don't think anyone can say outloud that Microsoft doesn't get
their shit together technically when given the chance, there is and has
always been more positives in their technical abilities than negatives - it
just always always always comes down to the way in which they deliver the
message and react to developer/customer issues of the day.

Is it really a case of just refactoring Windows 8 namepsaces or proxy
classes of some sort to convince Developers to continue on WPF/Silverlight
path? ... Is it a matter of just investing more in that "devigner" tooling
problem (Expression Blend makes a comeback but with less reliance of
"reflection" based property grids).

*shrug* .. i can personally see a way they could rebuild and get on with
the Windows 9 approach and I don't think it requires a radical overhaul but
more architectural common sense.

Scott Barnes

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 9:30 PM, ILT (O) <il.tho...@outlook.com> wrote:

> I have noticed in a few places discussions comparing the UI and API of
> WinRT with Silverlight, and suggesting that it (WinRT) is preferable.
> Mostly, these were quite old posts (a series of 6 or more at SharpGIS was
> my first sense of this).
> It does raise the possibility that Windows / Microsoft will rebirth or
> rethink some technologies.
> Related (in my eyes, anyway), apparently there is a wider discussion about
> Windows 9 (based on leaks and conjecture) suggesting that there is to be a
> complete rethink of Windows market segments in Windows 9 "Threshold".
> It's summarised 
> here<http://www.infoworld.com/t/microsoft-windows/cause-hope-windows-8-gets-the-heave-ho-in-the-next-wave-of-updates-232389>in
>  InfoWorld (December 2013) in an article by some bloke named Woody
> Leonhard.
> He sets the tone in his first sentence:
> "If independent leaks are to be believed, Windows chief Terry Myerson
> appears to be dismantling the Jekyll-and-Hyde monstrosity that is Windows
> 8, instead replacing it with a triumvirate of 
> products<http://www.infoworld.com/d/microsoft-windows/microsoft-exec-hints-separate-windows-release-trains-consumers-business-232299>that
>  people and companies will actually want."
> I'll be interested in Scott's comments on the triumverate of products,
> including the quote that refers to Terry Myerson's supposed intentions.
> ------------------------------
> Ian Thomas
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

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