+1 for big leaning curve. Played around with it a bit few years ago then
didn't touch it til a few months ago and I was lost like never before. That
said, the Xamarin people have added so much to it now so stability is
probably much better now

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Michael Ridland <rid...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ... but that said, Xamarin is pretty heavy weight, it's s big learning
> curve.. if you want something lightweight and 'pretty' good you should try
> out Ionic...
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Michael Ridland <rid...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Go Xamarin it's the best! (Opinion may be bias www.michaelridland.com)
>> Traditional Xamarin (Native API) as the platform is awesome and solid and
>> fast, the IDE and some of the tools around it can be a bit buggy.
>> Xamarin.Forms is pretty early, and can be frustrating but I have build some
>> XPlat app pretty rapidly with it.
>> Actually I'm doing a 'Introduction to Xamarin' at SydMobile in a few
>> weeks, you should come along I'd love to answer any questions you have.
>> http://www.meetup.com/SydMobile/
>> Below is a unpublished blog post on why you should use Xamarin...
>> *Should I use Xamarin for Mobile Development? YES you should!*
>> In my opinion you'd be insane if you didn't use Xamarin for mobile
>> development. Many people don't know what they're missing out on by not
>> using Xamarin so I'm going to highlight some reasons I think people
>> should be using Xamarin.
>> 1) It's Native but with 80%+ code share?
>> So for those that aren't aware of Xamarin or how it works, Xamarin allows
>> you to develop apps for iOS, Android and Mac from a single code base. When
>> I say this I don't mean in a webview or customised API, it actually usesthe
>> Native APIs. So when developing you use UITableView which is the same
>> API that a native developer would be using.
>> 2) C# and F# are Modern languages
>> C# might not be the hipster language of the year it is a continually
>> evolving language with solid features like type interference, dynamic
>> types,  language integrated query (LINQ), async/await and first class
>> functions. C# is designed for developing large robust applications.
>> And for the functional types there's F#, which from what I've been told
>> it's like scala but faster and better thought out.
>> I'd argue they're better languages than java, javascript and
>> objective-c... and seeing that they're currently the only languages with
>> built in async you could say their even better than swift...
>> 3) async/await
>> .. 'wait but javascript is all async' i hear you say...  C#/F#
>> async/await is different to what people normally think async is. C#/F#
>> async/await tackles the callback hell problems in rich clients, anyone who
>> works with rich clients will know of these problems. This is a problem
>> that's attempted to be solved with promises and generators but neither are
>> at the level of async/await.
>> Here's a little before/after sample:
>> *Before:*
>> doAsync1(function () {
>>   doAsync2(function () {
>>      doAsync3(function () {
>>         doAsync4(function () {
>>       })
>>      })
>>    })
>> })
>> *After:*
>> await doAsync1()
>> await doAsync2()
>> await doAsync3()
>> await doAsync4()
>> 4) Watches, Google Glass wearables and the future of devices.
>> In case you haven't noticed the future isn't just mobiles it's wearables,
>> devices and IOT. Xamarin has same day support for all these platforms
>> including android wear, google glass, Amazon TV and more. As I've said
>> beforeXamarin uses the Native APIs and compiles down to native so using
>> Xamarin you're in the perfect position develop all modern platforms.
>> 5) It's ready now!
>> All the time I hear people say 'html is a fast moving target' or 'it will
>> get there eventually'. Xamarin is here now, it's Native and it's cross
>> platform. Why wait to have a great app when you can have it now and as a
>> bonus know that your application is future proof for future devices.
>> 6) It's fast and stable
>> From personal experience the Xamarin traditional (Xamarin.iOS and 
>> Xamarin.Android)
>> platform is solid, fast and stable. You'd be hard pressed to find a problem
>> with the core parts of the platform, any app bugs will probably be your own
>> bugs.
>> 7) Documentation
>> The documentation for Xamarin is solid, it's generally better than the
>> Apple and Android documentation.
>> 8) Xamarin.Forms
>> So how about 100% codeshare and still be Native? Xamarin.Forms allows
>> you to program against a single API and have that single API mapped to
>> native controls on each platform. Hanselman describes it well, 'Write Once
>> Run Everywhere AND Be Native'.
>> It's still early days for the product but the top component developers
>> like Telerik and DevExpress are already developing components for Xamarin
>> .Forms.
>> 9) It's the best of all worlds (Hybrid and Native)
>> If you've taken a look at my Xamarin mashup blog
>> <http://www.michaelridland.com/mobile/asp-net-mvc-xamarin-mashups/> you'd
>> already know that the possibilities with Xamarin are vast, you can
>> essential create your own Cordova and you can completely integrate it with
>> your C# Mvvm/c# Native Code. So you have the full power of the .net
>> framework to build your client application architecture which becomes very
>> useful when you have complex requirements like Offline.
>> 10) Large Community
>> Xamarin uses the .net framework and because of this it's inherited the
>> pre-existing community, this means that even though it's a fairly new
>> platform we already have support for Awesome projects like Json.net, Fody
>> and ReactiveExtensions/ReactiveUI.
>> 11) Profitable Innovative Company
>> Xamarin as a company has a passion for enabling mobile developers to
>> deliver leading experiences. Their products cost money Yes but it's good
>> for us, I see many people complain about the pricing but Xamarin charging
>> money for products allows them to put money back into building amazing
>> products for us. This year at EvolveXamarin released some great new
>> products, a Analytics Cloud Service, a faster Android emulator and a
>> performance profiler. In the future Xamarin is on the rise and this
>> means our tools are only going to get better and better.
>> This is why I choose Xamarin and I think you should too....
>> If you have any questions regarding Xamarin or need any help please
>> contact me I'm always happy to help.
>> Thanks
>> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Stuart Kinnear <stu...@skproactive.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I've got a bit of free time so I'm starting to play around with mobile
>>> development and getting somewhat bewildered with the options offered.
>>> The dream is to knock up a business style app that will allow
>>> persistence of data to the local database eg. sqlite then a transfer to a
>>> base server.
>>> Looked at Android dev kit, and that is OK but of course that strikes out
>>> Ios & Windows.
>>> Looked at PhoneGap/Cordova and got infuriated by the simple task of
>>> posting data (jsonp is a bit of a security risk in my books)
>>> Early last year I did play with Xamarin and found it unstable, crashing
>>> at a whim. Is it worth giving it another go, or should I just suck it up
>>> and work on platform specific development tools.
>>> --
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Stuart Kinnear
>>> Mobile: 040 704 5686.   Office: 03 9589 6502
>>> SK Pro-Active! Pty Ltd
>>> acn. 81 072 778 262
>>> PO Box 6082 Cromer, Vic 3193. Australia
>>> Business software developers.
>>> SQL Server, Visual Basic, C# , Asp.Net, Microsoft Office.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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