
I am using ToirtoiseHG to keep track of my projects however I rarely need to actually fallback onto using it and am certainly no expert in its use.

Having said that, I am thinking of changing my licencing methodology to issue licences for specific versions of my application. When substantial features are added to my application I want to charge at least some upgrade fee. At present, end-users can take out a support contract which enables them to upgrades and support but very few actually do this.

Anyhow, the point is that I can see that some users will stick to their current version but expect bug fixes whilst they have a support contract for the version they own. Whilst I would expect some of these fixes to be passed up to newer versions, not all fixes will need to be and in fact could cause more bugs.

To be in perspective, I wouldn't think that non-current versions would require support beyond say a 2 year time frame. New major versions would only come out once or twice a year.

It's seems that I should create projects for each version and any cascading bug fixes will need to be applied manually.

I would appreciate any feedback to enable me to make some proper planning now rather than later when they may be forced upon me.



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