Don't even get me started on javascript. I feel just as dirty using
javascript as I did with silverlight version 1. God save us

On Wednesday, 8 April 2015, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> SignalR will still work without WebSockets, it will fall back to long
>> polling I believe.
> I created the demo app that broadcasts a fake stock ticker. I ran it
> locally on my Win7 dev machine, then I deployed it to Azure. Fiddler
> traffic shows that messages are very similar for each scenario and I can
> see "signalr" in the messages as well as "longPolling". I expected to see
> different sorts of traffic because it thought it would fallback on my local
> machine, however they both look roughly the same. Oh well, at least I have
> proof it works in some mystical way.
> The code and scripts that make the demo work are obtuse, cryptic, verbose
> and fragile, and you'd have to take a bit of time to study how it works and
> get a comfortable feel for it. This confirms my distaste for writing
> anything with JavaScript involved ... it's the joke of the century. Once
> day when I'm an old head-in-a-jar and someone has finally made the web
> function properly, we'll look back and laugh and say "I can't believe we
> made that junk work!".
> *Greg K*

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