
You said;

"I still want to use TypeScript to run the show, mainly because of the
familiar IDE and its benefits. I'm going to spend more time today trying to
find guidance about how to structure a reasonably serious TS project, and
how to use jQuery from within."

I'm very interested in your experiences in this endeavour as I want to use
TS in an upcoming project, because it just "feels" right, and it's the
project & dependency structures in TFS that I'm concerned about.

Could you please share with this list anything that you find interesting,
if you have the time?


On 25 August 2015 at 08:58, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> I just wish there were some JS standards. Imagine flying on Air
> JavaScript: you get to one of the dozens of airports on roads that have
> peeled off old roads to other airports, then there are 16 wildly different
> types of plane all claiming to get you to your destination somehow, some
> planes can't fly without being towed by other planes, some planes are still
> being assembled on the runways, some passengers have even brought their
> favourite pieces of plane with them to help build a new plane once they
> convince other passengers to join them.
> I still want to use TypeScript to run the show, mainly because of the
> familiar IDE and its benefits. I'm going to spend more time today trying to
> find guidance about how to structure a reasonably serious TS project, and
> how to use jQuery from within. Web searches do produce a few possibly
> useful results on this subject, but they all get tangled in dependencies on
> other JS libraries and I my eyes glaze over at the hurdle.
> *Greg*

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