Hey all,

I've recently switched from Google to Office 365, with user accounts on the 
Azure AD side of things.

I then thought I should set up the Azure AD connect thing which syncs the local 
AD accounts up to Azure AD but I discovered does not currently sync accounts 
back down to the local AD.

Kind of an OH CRAP moment when I realised the email accounts I've set up that 
are now functioning in the cloud quite nicely thank you very much are pretty 
much useless for authenticating with the local resources.

It would have been a nice touch. It was there in the preview (forget the name 
now, something like UserSyncback?) and hopefully it is coming soon. Anyone else 
hit this and have a work around? I could change all of the email accounts over 
to the local accounts that have been synced up to Azure but then I have the 
issue of having to move/migrate all of the mail between accounts.

Not sure how trivial that is, I might be able to migrate from cloud account to 
local account (the cloud copy) and then remove all of the cloud accounts and 
switch the email address over.

Other than that small issue, have been happy with it. The users however 
struggle with change. /me facepalm. Always the users.



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