Years ago one part of our large app suite was written in WF as it seemed
trendy and suitable for the task (I suppose it was). But now it's like a
lone cuckoos egg in the nest and we want to pull out the working code and
put it in a reusable library, but there is so much specialised WF plumbing
in the code that it's incomprehensible. Whenever you use a special
framework you of often finished up married to it for life! -- *GK*

On 19 January 2017 at 22:14, Scott Barnes <> wrote:

> WF alive? you'd be surprised how deep that ball of code runs in the .NET
> ecosystem. Killing it is like admitting XAML was a bad idea but when has
> that ever stopped Microsoft from quietly sliding the dead corpse under the
> bed hoping the smell eventually will subside before admitting the "body is
> missing"
> Hot swapping for an alternative option negates the need sadly, as say what
> you will about our good ol fashioned WWF it did have a visual design
> editor, so its like "derp derp, look i'm multi-threading tasks derp derp".
> Its not complicated only if you want it to do all of your code for you
> visually or otherwise.
> I've got a boostrapped IISExpress runner already, i can basically stand up
> an IISExpress localhost on its own - provided - you have IISExpress already
> installed. I did see some rumblings about redistributing the IISExpress
> installer .msi with your "app" which i'll suppress the urge to slap the IIS
> team upside the head with "you learned nothing from your competitive urges
> against WAMP"
> Ideally i'd rather have something a bit more agnostic platform wise (OSX -
> mono) which was why i was kind of hoping this science experiment known as
> ASP.NET Core / .NET Core (or whatever latest smack head branding was
> conjured on the day) - could actually live up to its hope filled promise.
> Just like a poor kid in a foster home at Christmas, the adults are being
> shifty again.
> It appears however after some googling we're back to the game of "it kinda
> works" with comments trailing off mumbling something to the style of "its a
> marathon, not a sprint" explanations.
> Dang it, i had a plan people... i'm not saying it was well thought out,
> but it had the vision of bold greatness...
> ---
> Regards,
> Scott Barnes
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Vasileios Samaltanos <
>> wrote:
>> Is WF still alive? From memory I believe the last update was around 2012.
>> I doubt that it will ever reach .NET Core.
>> We used WF for a while but it was too complicated for our needs. We
>> developed our own workflow engine around
>> e-machine/stateless and never looked back.
>> On 19 January 2017 at 18:18, Preet Sangha <> wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> I don't think WF is available on .net Core yet. So in that case I'd
>>> recommend IIS Express as your host. All the WF stuff I did was years ago
>>> and it was all IIS based. It's grown considerably easier I hear.
>>> Preet
>>> regards,
>>> Preet, in Auckland NZ
>>> On 19 January 2017 at 19:46, Scott Barnes <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I have a need to create a local mini web server which sole job is to
>>>> act as a WCF host for local area network clients to feed off. The web
>>>> server's main role is to act as a Windows Workflow host that will process
>>>> inbound data into various whacky workflow(s).
>>>> The web server is headless in that i don't ever plan on providing a
>>>> HTML UI to it, as its really just in place to run long running procs, react
>>>> to new inbound data and then answer any local clients requests back with
>>>> data (in fact i'd ideally like to keep it locally "swagger"`fied).
>>>> Where are we at with this kind of pattern, any new toys to play with
>>>> that makes this easier or should i keep it circa 2009 and below - .NET 
>>>> wise.
>>>> I'm at the moment leaning towards .NET Core mix but still not sure how
>>>> to make Windows Workflow fit into that still (i have to use WWF).
>>>> ---
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Scott Barnes

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