> If you do get to revisit Auth0, as you probably discovered it has the
> ability to authenticate against multiple sources including existing
> databases and AAD (see screenshot http://screencast-o-matic.com/
> screenshots/u/xj9/1498029629044-30138.png). It was one of the reasons we
> switched to it, in addition to authenticating API calls.

Despite what the boss says, I'm not letting my suggestion for Auth0 get
rejected. It was really easy to get working with little code, and it works
as advertised as a unified front-end to lots of other systems, including
legacy databases like ours.

The recent problem we had with Auth0 is that users of our product need 3
bits of information to authenticate: *username*, *password* and "*agency*"
(which is a very high level grouping of customers). So the Auth0
traditional model doesn't fit for us. I'll continue pondering over it.


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