> I think the package you are looking for is Carter
> https://www.nuget.org/packages/Carter
> https://github.com/CarterCommunity/Carter

Folks, some quick feedback. Carter wasn't quite as attractive as I guessed.
It adds too much of what I call "magic plumbing" and lots of fluent methods
for validation and authorisation that weren't of much use for me. I didn't
want to get married to another framework without a good reason, so I
skipped it and moved all my endpoint methods into a partial class:

static partial class Program
  public static void MapEndpoints(IEndpointRouteBuilder app,
WebApplicationBuilder builder)
    app.MapPost(...) { etc }
    // etc

I call  MapEndpoints(...) during program startup and it separates all that
code into a separate file, and for a good reason ... I use a T4 template to
generate about 1000 lines of repetitive app.mapxxx(...) calls into that
partial file.

*Greg K*
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