It amazes me that sometimes these doctors just don't seem to learn.  We have 
had a run of inductions and LUSCS for either SGA or LGA lately because 'the 
scan said such & such'.  The SGA's that I've seen have ranged from 2.8-3.1kg 
and the LGA's from 3.4-4.1kg.  One lady recently had a LUCSC for her 4th bub 
because by USS it was 12 pound. Surprise, suprise out came an 8 pounder which 
was less than her last vaginally born baby.   Grrrrrr....


----- Original Message ----
From: Ken Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ozmidwifery <>
Sent: Thursday, 1 March, 2007 2:46:51 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Frustration

Delightful doctor told his lady that the episi he cut which extended to a
3rd degree tear was so extensive that she would need a C/S next time. Also
she would need to be reviewed, and may need the repair repaired by another
dr. One wonders what he has done. Of course it will all be her and/or the
baby's fault. Grrrrrrrrr

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