

I have a site where one user reported that metadata was being 'lost' when
saving a document to a particular doc lib from Word 2003.


When I checked it out, the problem is actually on the document load. The
user loads the document into Word from the affected doc lib, and when you
check the properties in word (file->properties with that poor-mans document
info panel), it is clear that the metadata has not been populated from the
doc lib. Therefore when they save, blank metadata is written back, hence the
perception that metadata is lost.


The affected user has full control access to the site, and all other doc
libs are unaffected.


Not only does the metadata not populate, some columns are not even displayed
in properties dialog. I log on as a different user, and suddenly I see the
metadata, as well as additional columns.


If the affected user logs in via another PC, the issue remains. Try any
other document library on the site, and it is all fine. SP2 was installed 3
weeks ago and that seems to be around when users first noticed the issue.


This is a pretty stock site who have been running happily for a year now. No
naughty customisations, happy logs, good response time and no memory leaks. 


Has anybody else seen this one or similar behaviour before? It's a new one
for me...


Paul Culmsee


seven sigma business solutions

tel: 0410 533 585 fax: +61 (08) 9474 2601




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