Hi all,

I have a web part which includes a control template form with some required 
fields. What's the best way to prevent validation triggering in Page Edit mode? 
Is there a simple wrapper I can use? DisplayMode or ViewStateMode properties?

Also, I would like to display the current FBA user's email in the form but am 
unsure how to bind it.

I'm trying to do something like the following and would really appreciate any 
advice. :)

Control Template

<asp:Label ID="CurrentEmail" runat="server" 

Code Behind

public partial class EmailChangeUserControl : UserControl
MembershipUser currentUser;
string CurentEmail;

public void Page_Load()
    currentUser = Membership.GetUser();
    CurentEmail = currentUser.Email;

Kind regards,

Paul Noone

Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator
Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461
f: (02) 9568 8483
e: paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au<mailto:paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au>
w: http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/

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