Sorry no documentation here....I hope this is of some help.
I have used this class in the past and here is a sample below:
StringDictionary messageHeaders = new StringDictionary();
messageHeaders.Add("to", sTo);
messageHeaders.Add("cc", sCc);
messageHeaders.Add("bcc", sBcc);
messageHeaders.Add("from", sFrom);
messageHeaders.Add("subject", sSubject);
SPUtility.SendEmail(spWeb, messageHeaders, sBody);
I should warn you that while the method does return true/false it doesn't 
guarantee the message was delivered successfully even though TRUE was returned.
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 8:22 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Send Email

OK then. Can anyone provide any decent documentation for the 
SPUtility.SendEmail method?

No links to MSDN please. I've seen them all. :)
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com<mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com> 
On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2011 3:49 PM
To: ozMOSS (ozmoss@ozmoss.com<mailto:ozmoss@ozmoss.com>)
Subject: Send Email

I'm using a  custom class using System.Net.Mail to send emails from a 
SharePoitn site.
The emails get sent without problem when submitted from a provisioned page in 
the _layouts directory. But throw an "Object..." on the user supplied address 
when the exact same form and code is used in a web part within a publishing 
Do I need to write another class that uses the SPUtility.SendEmail method in 
order to do this from a SharePoint page?
The reason for the custom class is that it includes an additional parameter to 
specify the XML template to be used. If need be I could dispense this this and 
just supply the body as a string.
Kind regards,

Paul Noone

Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator
Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461
f: (02) 9568 8483
e: paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au<mailto:paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au>
w: http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/

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