Hi all
Michal Pisarek and I are doing a talk in March about various SharePoint 
caveats. The audience is not really tech, but the purpose of the talk is to 
save people the pain of proceeding on an untested assumption and then finding 
out far too late that the logical edifice they have built has come crashing 
But it seems that there are around 2-3 common gotchas with most SharePoint 
components - and the newer the component the more the gotchas.
Some of the big ones people know about are things like managed metadata support 
for InfoPath/SharePoint workspace. So if you have any caveats that has nailed 
you, would you mind sharing them with this list or mailing them to me? I'm sure 
each of us has a couple of good ones :)
What's the biggest issue/caveat that's nailed you?
ozmoss mailing list

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