How was the library first created - from code, through the UI?
Whenever I have something that is acting a bit weird like this, I tend to start 
by saving the site as a WSP, then load it into Visual Studio and get a look at 
the generated CAML and see if there is anything weird in that.
Would also check the permissions on the hidden "Forms" folder withinin the 
library as this is where you're custom form would be saved (I think)
Good luck!

Subject: RE: problem customising library editform
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2012 17:05:08 +1000

it looks like it is definitely the library. I created a template from the 
library (no content), created a new blank library from the template, and the 
same thing occurred.
any suggestions on how I could try and identify the issue?

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Wes MacDonald
Sent: Saturday, 4 February 2012 10:22 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: problem customising library editform
The Farm Admin account does not necessarily have the correct permissions, are 
you also the Site Collection Administrator for the site that has this library?

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Maxine Harwood
Sent: February-04-12 7:16 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: problem customising library editform

Don't think so, I'm farm administrator.

Sent from Max's iPad

On 04/02/2012, at 9:54 PM, Wes MacDonald <> wrote:

Is it possible the permissions are different on this particular list (broken 
inheritance) and you don’t have permission?

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Maxine Harwood
Sent: February-03-12 8:01 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: problem customising library editform
I am having a strange issue and not sure how to start troubleshooting.
I am trying to customise the editform for a library. when I go to create a new 
edit form in SharePoint designer, I get a message: Could not save the list 
changes to the server.
I then tried to copy an existing form and make changes to my copy. I insert a 
custom list form for the library in question, and nothing happens? I can insert 
a custom list form for other libraries in the aspx page but not this one. I’m 
thinking there is an issue in the library? but how do I troubleshoot this, I 
can’t see anything in the SharePoint logs? any suggestions?
SharePoint Enterprise 2010 with sp1 and July CU.
any suggestions appreciated….
Maxine Harwood | Solutions Architect
Red Box IT 
0410 525 989 | 07 3056 1725 (VoIP)
ABN: 96 189 767 742 | ACN: 125 489 278

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