Hey guys,
In case you're interested, we have gotten agreement that we only need to auto 
add the footer on docx and xlsx (woohoo), so I have achieved this with an event 
handler on ItemUpdated - this way I have access to the absolute url of the item 
and its current version number (as not available by quick parts). Used the 
OpenXML sdk to delete existing footer and insert new one.
Am happy to write a script or console app that will iterate through the docs 
and update any existing docx's and xslx's so that the previous version has the 
old footer information (matching any hard copies that are around), and the 
current version has the new correct footer info.
Dont really like having an event handler (just dont like them, although they 
seem to be all I am ever writing/maintaining), but it does seem appropriate in 
this case
thanks again for the help

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:30:15 +1000
Subject: Re: Migration issue
From: web.ad...@syd.catholic.edu.au
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com

A whole world of pain basically.
New docs aren't the problem really. It's the existing ones you'll have  
problems with. Deal with them first.

The simplest solution is for them to accept that this is a new system and use 
content types and DispForm.aspx to display the metadata.

Not your fault they have multiple Office version docs.
I'd ignore the document path info for now cos it's going to change anyway. But 
if the Version info exists in the legacy system, u might want to query that and 
export to a spreadsheet. You could then use PowerShell to automate the field 
update against the filename after you upload them.

On 10 July 2013 14:49, Ishai Sagi <is...@exd.com.au> wrote:

Nigel – you are sending conflicting messages as to what you want to do. Lets 
put aside new documents and focus on documents in the
An event handler will not help, since there are no events running on the 
documents – you will need
 to edit the document properties or the documents to trigger the event handler 
– requiring you to edit each and every document

A button will not help, since it still requires you to open each document, 
press the button and

A template will not help, since existing documents are not using the template

It seems to me that your best choice is to write an application that edits the 
documents. You will need a way to differentiate between
 new ones and migrated ones, and you will need code that runs on the server 
that can update the document content.

 Sagi |
Solutions Architect

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From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com]
On Behalf Of Nigel Witherdin

Sent: Wednesday, 10 July 2013 12:15 PM

To: OzMoss; Conrad Grobler

Subject: RE: Migration issue


Would creating an Office plugin (a button) that injects the values into the 
footer from the document's properties be feasible?


I think I have gotten version number in a footer in the document template by 
creating it as a label in the Info Mgmt Policy for the doc's content type 
before (so it can then be used in the
 template), but this doesn't really help me for the existing documents.


My other solution is <shudder> an event receiver that embeds the info into the 


Oh - this has to work for DOCs and DOCXs.


Again, would appreciate your thoughts - thanks guys!

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 11:41:00 +1000

Subject: Re: Migration issue

From: web.ad...@syd.catholic.edu.au

To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com

Version and absolute URL are not available as Quick Parts.


I'd create a content type and add a Version (numeric) field so people can 
decide when this should change, rather than SharePoint.


For the file path you're going to have trouble though. Only way I can think is 
to set a field's value via a workflow.


Both could then be added to a template footer as Quick Parts.


As for legacy documents...there's no way I know to update these easily. I did 
see a batch XML converter around but I don't think it could handle these kind of

On 10 July 2013 06:49, Nigel Witherdin <nigel_wither...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hey guys,

We are currently migrating content from from legacy doc mgmt systems into 
SP2010, and I have come across a sticky requirement.

The doc mgmt system we are migrating from had a plugin to office that allowed 
the users to click a button and insert the file location and version number 
into the footer of the document. They like this functionality and see it as 
essential to exist in the new

For docs created within sharepoint, no problem. I can have a doc template that 
uses quick parts in the footer to display the items URL and version number (I 
assume), but that doesn't help for existing docs that are migrated into SP.

The other possible solution is to write a macro or customize word to provide a 
button that injects the required info into the footer (from the document's 
properties?), but I haven't really done anything like this before, so not sure 
how viable this is.

What do you think, any suggestions on how I could solve this?

Many thanks,



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