That's good because I don't remember writing a blog post :)

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 5 May 2014 1:41 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Export/Import Managed Metadata

Hi Paul,

Thanks for that. I came across your blog post on this and read it as part of my 
learning. :)

Both the MMS Id and the TSID produced the same result in my case. I have no 
idea what the real difference between them is.

Following the remaining steps I imported the file without error but the term 
group created at the Site Collection level was missing.

I opened an SPTaxonomySession for the site and could see the Group and the Term 
Sets within. So I just wound up exporting these individually to CSV so that I 
could import at a the destination site.

I'm hoping MS will provide a method to export and import complete Groups really 
soon, or drop support for new groups at the site level. It seems ridiculous to 
have to go through this.



[] On Behalf Of Paul Culmsee
Sent: Monday, 5 May 2014 12:21 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Export/Import Managed Metadata

Hi Paul

It's the ID of the managed metadata service application.

Below is some documentation I wrote for a client who does not have strong 
PowerShell skills so it's a bit laborious (note the pre-reqs at the end)

PS C:\Users\SP_Admin> Get-SPServiceApplication
DisplayName          TypeName             Id
-----------          --------             --
Secure Store Serv... Secure Store Serv... 8a9ad845-241e-40e0-a2cb-c5fa09ddb479
State Service App... State Service        833e41ed-9574-4f6b-978b-787a087735e1
Managed Metadata ... Managed Metadata ... 479cd8d7-af32-4f85-adb1-9cdd858ed3e6
Web Analytics Ser... Web Analytics Ser... 4b54f5d4-2148-4cbf-ad24-b1e49b0eb7e5
Search Service Ap... Search Service Ap... a3434173-fc5d-464d-a05c-aeda41d4959f

*             Create a PowerShell object bound to the managed metadata service 
application ID.
PS C:\Users\SP_Admin> $mms = Get-SPServiceApplication -Identity 

*             Confirm that the correct service application is selected by 
examining the properties of the object. Confirm the service type is "Managed 
Metadata Service"
PS C:\Users\SP_Admin> $mms.DisplayName
Managed Metadata Service Application
PS C:\Users\sp_admin> $mms.TypeName
Managed Metadata Service

*             Using PowerShell, determine the ID of the managed metadata 
service application proxy (note the matching service application is marked in 
bold). The GUID listed in the ID column is the important bit
PS C:\temp> Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy

DisplayName          TypeName             Id
-----------          --------             --
Business Data Con... Business Data Con... a3237d54-00f9-4ba3-8544-cb020ae1d8b5
State Service App... State Service Proxy  24f87eba-85af-4938-98f4-3002ff0da95b
Managed Metadata ... Managed Metadata ... 373ad4c0-cdd2-4db8-9dd8-a0c5c8d1df41
Secure Store Serv... Secure Store Serv... 7ac50f4f-addc-466e-a695-9a37890058f5
WSS_UsageApplication Usage and Health ... c8de2c82-8ae5-41ab-bf58-9724c48776d5

*             Create an object bound to the managed metadata service 
application proxy.
PS C:\Users\SP_Admin> $mmp = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy -Identity 

*             Confirm that the correct service application proxy is selected by 
examining the properties of the object. Confirm the service type is "Managed 
Metadata Service Connection"
PS C:\temp> $mmp.DisplayName
Managed Metadata Service Application
PS C:\temp> $mmp.TypeName
Managed Metadata Service Connection

*             Export the current Managed metadata term store to the UNC path 
specified in step 1, utilising the service application object and service 
application proxy object created in steps 3 and 6.
Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity $ -ServiceProxy $mmp 
-Path \\server\share\termstore.bak<file:///\\server\share\termstore.bak>

Also make sure you ensure these pre-requisites:

  *   This method can only be used by an account with local administration 
access to the entire farm (eg AD\svcsp-admin)
  *   The backup of the term store must be a UNC path (eg 
"\\dcsep01db\SharePointBackup<file:///\\dcsep01db\SharePointBackup>") that 
resides on the SQL Server for the SharePoint farm
  *   The services account (svcsp-services-[instance]) requires modify 
permission to the backup file share 
  *   Ensure that for restore, the services account (svcsp-services-[instance]) 
is temporarily granted bulk import rights on SQL Server which it does not have 
by default.

[] On Behalf Of Paul Noone
Sent: Monday, 5 May 2014 9:47 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Export/Import Managed Metadata

Hi all,

Has anyone had any experience performing this using the import/export 
SPMetaDataWebServicePartitionData functions?

I'm preparing to run an export but am thoroughly confused by the  -Identity 

The TechNet 
 for this function says this should be the ID or Name of the site subscription 
to export.

Online examples say it's the tsid value from the URL of the Term Store Tool.  
This is not the GUID for MMS app but the value of its ManageLink.Url property. 
Is this correct??

I'm wanting to export the entire term store in the hope that this will bring 
across the site-scoped ones as well, which I apparently then have to re-link.



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