Man, I must have been in a time-warp in my head by writing 16/32 bit.
Luckily 8-bit was before my time. The IBM mainframe was 32-bit, but they
only used 24 bits for addresses until they ran out of space and had to
permanently borrow the other 8 bits. Luckily 64KB of RAM was plenty.

> AFAIK, there is no 64-bit version of the Silverlight plugin available,
> hence what you're downloading and installing is the 32-bit version,

Good grief! Is this right? Maybe I heard this once but it went in one ear
and out the other. I can't run Silverlight 4 on a 64-bit IE?!

Even worse, you just reminded me that I have to migrate my SL4 app to Sl5
sometime soon, that'll be fun.


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