---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Organizing Commission IWSE6 <i...@uu.nl>
Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 8:04 AM
Subject: Call for contributions - 6th international workshop on the sharing
To: <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

The 6th IWSE (June 28-29) in Utrecht aims to bring together academics and
other stakeholders to discuss the latest insights on the sharing economy.




For about a decade, the burgeoning “sharing economy” has been capturing the
attention of policy makers, scholars and the media alike. Initially viewed
as a disruptive innovation  promising to deliver a more sustainable, more
efficient, and more socially connected society, sharing platforms such as
Airbnb, BlaBlaCar and Uber have meanwhile grown from startups into
successful multinational companies that attract controversy as much as

At the same time, a multidisciplinary and lively research field on the
sharing economy and collaborative economy has emerged, including
economists, sociologists, management- and business scholars, innovation
scholars, historians, geographers, and many others. The 6th International
Workshop on the Sharing Economy (IWSE) in Utrecht aims to bring together
academics and other stakeholders to discuss the latest insights on the
sharing economy.

Our event follows on successful editions in Utrecht (2015), Paris (2016),
Southampton (2016), Lund (2017) and Mannheim (2018).

We invite contributions on (but not limited to) the following themes:

   - Trust and cooperation
   - Inequality and discrimination
   - Regulation and policy responses
   - Institutionalism
   - Business strategies and models
   - Environmental impact
   - Social and economic impact
   - Legal issues
   - Geographical aspects
   - Surveillance and privacy
   - User experiences and motivations

The conference is open to theoretical, empirical and policy papers, and to
any methodology.
*Keynote speakers*

   - Pinar Ozcan, Professor of Strategic Management, Warwick Business School
   - Timm Teubner, Professor of Trust in Digital Services, Technische
   Universität Berlin

*Setup of the program*

The workshop will start on Friday morning (June 28) and will end on
Saturday afternoon (June 29). The workshop will be preceded by a public
event on Thursday evening (June 27) in TivoliVredenburg on “Platform
economy”, featuring speakers from academia, industry and policy. Confirmed
speakers at this event are José van Dijck (Utrecht University) and Sara
Green Bodersen (founder of Deemly).
*Important dates*

   - Deadline for abstract submission: March 15, 2019
   - Notification of acceptance: April 8, 2019
   - Registration deadline: May 15, 2019
   - Public event: June 27, 2019
   - Workshop: June 28-29, 2019


The workshop fee is €100 for all participants, and includes lunches,
refreshments, the conference dinner on Friday, and free entrance to the
public event on Thursday evening (regular admittance: €12,50).
*How to submit*

To submit your contribution, send an abstract of between 200 and 400 words
describing your topic, research question, methodology and main (tentative)
results to i...@uu.nl on March 15 at the latest.
*Organizing committee*

   - Martijn Arets (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development,
   Utrecht University)
   - Rense Corten (Department of Sociology, Utrecht University)
   - Joyce Delnoij (Department of Sociology, Utrecht University)
   - Koen Frenken (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht

*Scientific committee*

   - Aurélien Acquier (ESCP-Europe)
   - Valentina Carbone (ESCP-Europe)
   - Vadim Grinevich (University of Southampton)
   - Hugo Guyader (Linköping University)
   - David Masse (ESCP-Europe)
   - Indre Maurer (University of Göttingen)
   - Oksana Mont (Lund University)
   - Laura Piscicelli (Utrecht University)
   - Juliet Schor (Boston College)
   - Bilgehan Uzunca (Utrecht University)
   - Dominika Wruk (University of Mannheim)
   - Lucie Zvolska (Lund University)
   - Tine de Moor (Utrecht University)

*More information*

Please refer to our website at https://6thiwse.sites.uu.nl
or e-mail us at i...@uu.nl.

Download PDF version 'call for contributions'
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