I don't recall ever registering for this service, but it looks good,

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From: Michel Bauwens (via Refind) <he...@refind.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 5:30 PM
Subject: Michel Bauwens's Weekly: “How Post-Watergate Liberals Killed Their
Populist Soul“ by The Atlantic
To: Michel Bauwens <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

Michel Bauwens's Weekly <https://refind.com/>

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How Post-Watergate Liberals Killed Their Populist Soul
<https://refind.com/TheAtlantic>  The Atlantic
<https://refind.com/TheAtlantic> · 40m read
In the 1970s, a new wave of post-Watergate liberals stopped fighting
monopoly power. The result is an increasingly dangerous political system.
      <https://refind.com/link/3572708?action=send> 11
Continuing our work to improve recommendations on YouTube
 · 1m read
When recommendations are at their best, they help users find a new song to
fall in love with, discover their next favorite creator, or lear...
      <https://refind.com/link/27534138?action=send> 8
Millions of Ugandans quit internet after introduction of social media tax
<https://refind.com/guardian>  The Guardian <https://refind.com/guardian> · 2m
Economic fears raised as online subscriptions plummet in months following
launch of levy created to curb ‘gossip’
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<https://refind.com/link/29746765>  <https://refind.com/webuproar>
More women in the workplace could boost economy by 35%, says Christine
<https://refind.com/guardian>  The Guardian <https://refind.com/guardian> · 3m
Exclusive: IMF managing director presses for female empowerment in
interview to mark International Women’s Day
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China blocks 17.5 million plane tickets for people without enough 'social
<https://refind.com/Independent>  The Independent
<https://refind.com/Independent> · 17m read
Would-be passengers blacklisted for offences as minor as walking dogs
without lead
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<https://refind.com/link/29445436>  <https://refind.com/megashine>
A Peer-to-peer Microtransaction Payment Platform.
<https://refind.com/metropolismag>  Metropolis Magazine
Micro Bitcoin aims to encourage micro-payments for Bitcoin holders by
providing a secure and sustainable open source community and ecosystem of
users, developers and miners by means of a hardfork of the Bitcoin
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