---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Krystian Woznicki <k...@berlinergazette.de>
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 9:27 AM
Subject: [bgcon] MORE WORLD Workshops – Call for Registration
To: <digi-ya...@berlinergazette.de>


how can we cooperate across borders to tackle climate change?

While climate change seems to be intangible, nowhere and everywhere at
the same time, it is entangled with everything and everyone. Against
this backdrop, the Berliner Gazette’s 20th anniversary initiative MORE
WORLD stimulates a critical dialogue. The goal is to better understand
and grasp climate change through entanglements – and to ultimately
explore possibilities to tackle climate change from within its
cross-border entanglements, especially with migration and
digitalization. How do we have to rethink cooperative practices if
capacities for collective action potentially arise from a planetary web
of interdependencies? What cooperative practices can catalyze the
interplay between communal, state and global approaches to adapt to
climate change? To explore this, the Berliner Gazette will organize the
20th edition of its annual conference.

The BG annual conference will take place at the Center for Arts and
Urbanistics (ZK/U) on Oct. 10-12, 2019. Save the date! To investigate
the complexities of climate change, the BG will create a three-day
program with workshops, performances and lectures by speakers such as
Sujatha Byravan, whose pioneering research explores the politics of
climate refugees, Marta Peirano, whose new book explores how to tackle
climate change with communal tools, and Harsha Walia, whose activism in
the field of migration intersects with climate justice struggles.


The workshops – arguably the heart of the conference – will bring
together activists, researchers and cultural workers from more than 20
countries. The BG will invite key actors to form the core of the
workshops, and enables the general public to register via the call for

*Cooperative Processes*

To tackle the key issues of the BG annual conference, five parallel
workshop tracks will take five different approaches to communal
practices dealing with climate change: Eco-Data, Counter/Knowledge,
Justice, Lifestyles and Resources. Descriptions here:

The workshop groups will communicate before the conference in order to
flesh out the workshop design collaboratively. Led by experienced group
leaders, participants will be invited to come up with possible answers
to the questions raised by the MORE WORLD initiative. The results will
be made available as online resources via berlinergazette.de: they may
include position papers, multimedia storytelling projects and data

*Registration* + *Details*

The call for registration targets (up-and-coming) hackers, journalists,
activists and researchers. A limited number of participants will be able
to register for one of the five workshops (Eco-Data, Counter/Knowledge,
Justice, Lifestyles or Resources) by contacting the following email:
info(at)berlinergazette(.)de. The deadline is September 1st. Further
details here: https://more-world.berlinergazette.de

*Spread the word*

Forward this email and re-tweet this:

Stay tuned,

Krystian (for the BG team)

- https://more-world.berlinergazette.de
Digi-yards_berlinergazette.de mailing list

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