---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Thomas Greco <thgr...@mindspring.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 6:40 PM
Subject: Our Latest Podcast with Ron Whitney
To: Michel <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

Our Latest Podcast with Ron Whitney

In our latest Beyond Money Podcast
we explore with Ron Whitney the evolution of the commercial trade exchange
industry, which over the past 50 years has proven the workability of credit
clearing as a way of doing business without the need for money payment.

Ron operated his own trade exchange for 15 years, and since 2007 has taken
on the role of President and CEO of IRTA, the International Reciprocal
Trade Association, the premier trade association of, and advocate for, the
commercial trade exchange industry.

Ron shares his vast knowledge and insights about the current challenges,
prospects, and opportunities, including a description of the benefits of
trade exchange membership and the increasing use of Universal Currency (UC)
to enable purchases and sales over an extended trade exchange network.

This interview can be found at:
or https://soundcloud.com/user-27167973/ron-whitney-irta

You can find links to all of our Beyond Money Podcasts at
Find Out More <#m_7004817642168426409_>
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