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From: Post Growth Alliance <allia...@postgrowth.org>
Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 6:36 PM
Subject: PGA Post: Staging an economic 'die in' to Reclaim Our Economy
To: Michel <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

A ‘die in’ is just one of the tools organizers are using to draw attention
to our unsustainable economic system.
An recent economic 'die-in', in Essen, Germany.
Dear Michel,

As a supporter of the Post Growth Alliance
you're helping shine a light on work that's shifting the worldview. Thank

To assist Reclaim our Economy
organizing a European Economy Action Camp, please:
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*Twitter Copy:*
Ever seen a ‘die in’? Just 1 of the tools organizers are using to draw
attention to our unsustainable economic system. Join others in #Brussels
this Sept. to coordinate these kind of actions:
#postgrowth #degrowth #changeeconomics #extinctionrebellion

*Facebook Copy: *
The coordinated action emerging from Europe is so inspiring!

In Essen, Germany, a small group recently organized a non-violent 'die-in'.
Here people quietly lie down in a busy consumer setting to 'interrupt the
signal' - to prompt conversation, reflection and attention around our
economic system.

Participating is exhilarating, empowering and so easy to do! (for most of
the people in this video, it was their first time doing anything like this).

Organized by Reclaim Our Economy, this action was the first in a series,
building to a major European initiative in 2020. The next step is an
organizing camp in Brussels from September 27th - 29th, and all are welcome
to join!

Learn more and sign up to join others passionate about here:

#PostGrowthAlliance submission by: Reclaim our Economy.

cc WEAll - Wellbeing Economy Alliance, Finance Watch, Extinction Rebellion,
Unbewitch Finance Lab / Désorceler la Finance.
Active PGA Members: submit your content creation request here

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