---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jeremy Lent <jer...@jeremylent.com>
Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:01 PM
Subject: Patterning Instinct news
To: Michel <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

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The Future Is Up for Grabs

Dear Michel,

Do you recently feel a touch of dread as you read the news? The Amazon and
Arctic ablaze. Xenophobic and racist rhetoric becoming mainstream. Our
leaders seemingly helpless or unwilling to respond. Does it feel to you
like our society is unraveling?

That may be the case, but it doesn't mean that all is lost. On the
contrary, theory of change suggests this is exactly the time when new and
radical ideas have an outsize impact. I invite you to read an article I
wrote last week explaining why this is so: "As Society Unravels, the Future
Is Up for Grabs.

As our political leaders fail, grassroots leadership becomes even more
important. That means you and me. On *Friday, September 20*, millions of
people around the world will take part in a Global Climate Strike
which may be one of the biggest coordinated grassroots demonstrations in
history. I urge you to join in and add your voice to the call for
transforming our society's destructive ways.

I've come to believe that the most promising alternative path for our
future is an *Ecological Civilization*: a shift in the underlying
foundation of our civilization from wealth accumulation to one that is
life-affirming. if you live in the SF Bay Area, please join me in an Ecological
Civilization Salon
at *Civana House *in San Francisco, on *October 3*.

If you can't make it to the salon, I've written about an Ecological
Civilization here
and you can listen to an interview
I gave recently on the topic, or watch this talk
I delivered this summer at a conference in the UK (*From 52:25–1:35:00*). And,
for those interested to explore more, I recommend the book *Abundant Earth:
Toward an Ecological Civilization*
Eileen Crist. You can listen to my recent interview with her here

I hope you'll be on the streets with me for a flourishing future this

*As Society Unravels, the Future Is Up for Grabs*
*September 12, 2019*

*As civilization faces an existential crisis, our leaders demonstrate their
inability to respond. Theory of change shows that now is the time for
radically new ideas to transform society before it’s too late.* *[Read
more] *

*SALON  Living into an Ecological Civilization
Thursday, October 3, 2019
7:00–9:00 p.m.

Civana House
711 Scott Street, San Francisco, CA 94117

*Presentation with Q&A Small group reflection | Large group discussion*
*Register here*
Jeremy presents at the AECB Conference, Oxford, June 2019
Toward an Ecological Civilization: Vision and Principles.
*Interview: *
*A wide-ranging interview moderated by Terry Patten, where Jeremy discusses
his own personal path of transformation.*
May 18, 2019 | 1 hr 33 min
*Ben Adam-Smith interviews Jeremy on Transitioning to an Ecological
*We discuss why and how we need to transform the fundamentals of our
June 14, 2019 | 38 min
*Interview: Jeremy interviews Eileen Crist on Restoring Abundant Earth.*
*Jeremy discusses with Eileen her recent book, Abundant Earth: Toward an
Ecological Civilization, and explores some of the major obstacles to be
overcome to change the direction of our current civilization.*
July 18, 2019 | 1 hr 10 min
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