---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Post Growth Institute <i...@postgrowth.org>
Date: Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 12:00 AM
Subject: Closing the space between us | Full Circle 🌎 with the PGI
To: Michel <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Discover the strength of
our global interconnections and how to support like-minded organizations.
[image: Post Growth Institute 'support' newsletter banner]
Dear Michel,

Across the planet, grassroots initiatives are building systems that *offer
hopeful alternatives* to our extractive, growth-dependent economy. The
power of these projects lies not only in their local influence but in
global connections of *support, guidance, and encouragement*.

Despite our varied focuses and approaches, #postgrowth provides an
overarching concept to *challenge the dominant paradigm. *Setting aside our
differences and united by a shared sense of *where our evolution needs to
go,* we're starting to relax into supporting each other.

For the Support edition of Full Circle, we introduce the *Post Growth
Alliance, our cooperative social media service *that saves member
organizations time and money while increasing their exposure. Find out how
to *join the PGA family, learn about one of its members, *and meet one of
our long-time volunteers – part of a community of activists dedicated
to *helping
us shift the worldview*.

As we weave a rich tapestry, *closing the space between us enhances our
strength*. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Thanks for your support,

[image: graphic of networked globe]
Post Growth Alliance

Many nonprofits are at the cutting edge of sustainability activism and
debate, but their work remains underexposed. The *Post Growth Alliance*
(PGA) is a service that creates and amplifies engaging content for member
organizations by drawing on the power of the network to share each
others' posts across social media.

*Find out more about the PGA*
PGA member profile: Promoting Economic Pluralism
[image: screenshot of PGA post for PEP's Not the Nobel Prize]
*Promoting Economic Pluralism*
seeks to co-create truly sustainable, resilient, and inclusive new
economies thought strategic activities and projects that influence economic
analysis, teaching, and thinking.

PEP is also responsible for the 'Not the Nobel Prize', an initiative to
celebrate thinkers and doers finding economic answers to the challenges of
the 21st century.
Find out more about *Promoting Economic Pluralism*
and vote for the seven finalists of 2019's *Not the Nobel Prize in

[image: Each and every subscriber helps to amplify PGA posts, which
currently reach an average of 20,470 people.]
Support the PGA
There's an easy and effective way to support groups changing the world –
and it doesn't cost a cent. *Subscribe to our mailing list*
receive exciting content, ready crafted and formatted to share on social

[image: graphic showing rise in use of postgrowth hashtag on Twitter]
The #postgrowth story is taking off on Twitter. In 2019 so far, #postgrowth
has been tweeted 21,963 times. That's a *258% increase from 2018* and a
66,167% increase since 2009 when the hashtag was first used!
*Meet PGI volunteer, Sarah Riebstein*

A PhD candidate at Princeton University, Sarah researches universal basic
income and the Alaska Permanent Fund’s resource dividend model. As an
activist, she works with us on refining and spreading our vision of a
not-for-profit economy
including a stint managing the PGA. Here she shares a little about what
it's like to work with the PGI.
[image: photo of PGI volunteer Sarah Reibstein]
"We can bring our whole selves to the work we do at the PGI. There is a
focus on highlighting the passions and strengths that each of us bring to
the table, ensuring we're each contributing in ways that are most
beneficial to the organization and ourselves. We also make space for
sharing if circumstances in our lives might be negatively impacting us –
something that I find is particularly missing in many other environments,
where personal difficulties are often swept under the rug."

*Meet the whole PGI team*

[image: PGI donate button]
[image: Facebook]
[image: Twitter]
[image: Medium]
[image: Website]
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a donation. Thank you for your support.


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