---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Krystian Woznicki via Commoning <common...@lists.commons-institut.org>
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 4:29 PM
Subject: [commoning] How can we cooperate across borders to tackle climate
change? BG conference | Oct. 10-12, 2019 | ZK/U Berlin
To: <common...@lists.commons-institut.org>

Hi commoners!

How can we cooperate across borders to tackle climate change? To explore
this question, the Berliner Gazette organizes the 20th edition of its
annual conference: a three-day program with workshops, performances and
public talks at the ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics in Berlin,
October 10-12, 2019. All info about MORE WORLD program please find here:

*Public Talks*
The public talks program includes keynotes by the scientist *Sujatha
Byravan* <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sujatha_Byravan> (India), whose
pioneering research explores the politics of climate refugees,
activist *Virginie
Gailing* <https://rebellion.earth/> (France), who is hacking the climate
discourse online and offline with the do-it-together movement Extinction
Rebellion, the political geographer and radio maker *Anja Kanngieser*
<https://anjakanngieser.com/> (Australia), whose work on imperiled Pacific
islands urges us to cooperate on the frontlines of climate change, the
Fridays For Future activist *Clara Mayer* <https://fridaysforfuture.de/>
(Germany), who dares to confront the corporate and political elites with
the uncomfortable truths of climate change, the poet and philosopher *Sudesh
Mishra* <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudesh_Mishra> (Fiji), sustainability
expert *Nikki Maksimovic* <https://www.ecosia.org/> (UK), whose work with
the Berlin-based Internet search engine Ecosia helps to plants trees by
donating 80% of its surplus income for reforestation initiatives, who
mobilizes indigenous cosmologies as sources of inspiration vis-à-vis
environmental havoc, the journalist and technology expert *Marta Peirano*
(Spain), whose new book explores how to tackle climate change with communal
technologies, and the activist and writer *Harsha Walia*
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harsha_Walia> (Canada), whose work on
migration intersects with climate justice struggles. The talks will be
moderated by *Abiol Lual Deng* <https://twitter.com/abioldeng?lang=en>
(South-Sudan/US), an international relations expert and humanitarian policy
consultant, *Jennifer Kamau* <https://iwspace.de/> (Kenya/Germany) who is
an activist and researcher and facilitates a migrant network called
International Women Space, and *Jaron Rowan*
<https://www.traficantes.net/autorxs/rowan-jaron> (Spain), a researcher,
author and activist.

The conference program includes performances by artist and researcher *Kat
Austen <https://katausten.wordpress.com/>* (UK), who will perform a
multimedia symphony based on her research trip to the North Pole; the art
collective *The University of the Phoenix*
<http://universityofthephoenix.com/> (Canada), who will be offering
participants an opportunity to join “The Order of the Immortal Stranger”: a
global secret society for interspecies cooperation; the artist *Xin Xin*
<http://xin-xin.info/> (USA/Taiwan), who will be presenting “Plant
Ensemble”, a performance that uses biofeedback in plants to synthesize
sound; the choreographer *Pepe Dayaw* <https://pepe.dance/> (Philippines),
who will be cooperatively creating a Bibimbap-Badubap (a Korean rice dish),
amplifying the chopping sounds and remixing them into a jazz concert while
cooking; and the poet *Falko Hennig* <http://www.falko-hennig.de/> (Germany),
who will be leading two city walks, exploring cooperative initiatives that
tackle climate change.

MORE WORLD program:

MORE WORLD interviews (with workshop guests, moderators, keynote speakers
and performers):

Spread the word!

Re-tweet this:

Hope to see you at the event!

Krystian (for the BG team)


BG – Berliner Gazette | since 1999 | http://berlinergazette.de


MORE WORLD – How can we cooperate across borders to tackle climate change?
BG’s 20th anniversary conference – October 10-12, 2019 – ZK/U


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