---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Open Food Network Australia <he...@openfoodnetwork.org.au>
Date: Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 8:23 AM
Subject: What makes community food enterprises thrive? Our latest report is
To: <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

Community food enterprise report, Grant help, Building the Commons, Local
food to buy, and more.
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Hi there!
This month has felt like an intense knowledge exchange month for Open Food
Network - we've been out listening and talking about food systems at all
sorts of events. Ranging from the Planning Institute's annual conference
(where we spoke about food system planning) to the GrAiNZ Conference (where
we heard about A LOT of exciting ideas), to the ORICoop AGM (where we spoke
about our international work) and more - read on for reflections from some
of these events. We've also been busy finalising research reports, with the
first released right now, in this very newsletter!
*Community Food Enterprises report released*

We're excited to share our latest report with you: *Community Food
Enterprises - Their role in food system change, opportunities, challenges
and support needs*

It brings together our lessons from running food system activation and
community food enterprise incubator programs for the last five years.

We've identified common challenges facing community food enterprises in
Australia, plus five critical success factors. We've also highlighted what
enterprises, government, and philanthropy can do to create thriving
community food enterprises.

This report is for anyone running a community food enterprise, and any
agency that wants to see a vibrant regional food economy in their area.

*Download the report
*Building regional food systems*
We're working on two exciting regional food systems development projects at
the moment, one in Seymour, and the other in North-East Victoria.

Each project culminates in an event next year, but first involves a
regional consultation. In Seymour, we're interviewing as many farmers and
food distributors as possible to help uncover regional strengths and
opportunities. In the North-East we're collaborating with Landcare to run a
number of workshops leading up to the main event.
If you're producing or distributing food in either of those regions, we'd
love to have you included. We'll share details of the North-East workshops
on social media and in this newsletter. And if you're in the Seymour
region, please fill in this form
so we can get in touch.

These projects receive funding from the Australian Government's Building
Better Regions Fund.
*Grants in Victoria - we can help*
The Victorian Government has released new grants for ‘small scale and
craft’ agricultural businesses. (These are the latest version of the
‘Artisanal Agriculture’ grants.)

We know how flat out you are, so we’ve summarised the key information for
you, and outlined some ways we might be able to help you with them.

Find out more.
*Building peer-to-peer alternatives*
In the last year, we’ve been realising that *how* we work at the Open Food
Network is in fact one of the most important things that we’re creating, as
we go about the task of building a better food system. Recent discussions
with other thinkers in this space at a Global Commons Forum in Korea
affirmed this idea, and gave us new ideas to ponder as we continue forward.

Read some of our reflections
from the forum on the value of building community for the commons.
*Find local food to buy*
Every week there are new shops on the Open Food Network. These are just a
few that are open for orders right now!

Gleneden Family Farm

Woodstock Flour

Baw Baw Food Hub
Fish Creek Bulk Foods Group
Local Produce Ladies
Prom Coast Food Collective
Raw Food Hub at Synchronicity Farm
LORE Australia
Grow Lightly Vegie Bags
Hocus Crocus Saffron
Benview Farms
Elmore Compost and Organics

Check back
at other times of the week or month to see what else is available.

Want to start your own shop on Open Food Network? It's just a few easy steps
*Last links*
*Help build research into regenerative agriculture*
Join PhD student Annemaree Docking's research into regenerative agriculture
by completing this survey
(whether you're farming regeneratively or not - this stage of the research
is trying to gather as much data as possible).

Thanks for reading!

We're looking forward to sharing our next report with you in our next
newsletter, and in the meantime we'll be sharing some of the content we
spoke about at various events on our Instagram
and Facebook
- make sure you're following along.

As always, get in touch <he...@openfoodnetwork.org.au> if you'd like to
learn more about the Open Food Network, or work together on a project

The Open Food Network Australia team
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*Copyright © 2019 Open Food Network, All rights reserved.*
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a donation. Thank you for your support.


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