---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Krystian Woznicki <k...@berlinergazette.de>
Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 6:04 PM
Subject: [bgcon] "SIGNALS – Algorithms of Disobedience"
To: <digi-ya...@berlinergazette.de>


whistle-blowing – as one method to keep evasive powers accountable – is
becoming ever more important in an era characterized by the renaissance
of authoritarianism. In Europe, Serbia has one of the most authoritarian
governments: infrastructure, including public transportation and
Internet, is shut down when protests are emerging – just to name one
indicator for the authoritarian tendency. All this said, the Berliner
Gazette is particularly proud that our SIGNALS project
(https://berlinergazette.de/signals) was exhibited in Serbia this year.
Based on the NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the art and
activism collective KUDA.org hosted the exhibition in a gallery in Novi
Sad, the second biggest city in Serbia. Here are some pictures from the

Please share this link as an inspiration for the important cooperative
work that needs to be done with material provided by whistle-blowers –
as one of the many ways to engage with what democracy is and could be.
And please re-tweet this:

Best wishes,

Krystian (for the BG team)


BG – Berliner Gazette | since 1999 | http://berlinergazette.de


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