---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Great Transition Network <gtnetw...@greattransition.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 11:43 AM
Subject: NEWS (Announcements)
To: <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

>From Paul Raskin [pras...@tellus.org]
Dear GTN Colleagues,

Thanks to all contributors for your thoughtful comments on the November
exchange (archived at Corporations in the Crosshairs: From Reform to
). A representative set is now live on the GTI homepage
<https://greattransition.org/> , where you will also find a terrific
interview with Kate Raworth on her “doughnut economics” and ways to
challenge the neoclassical economics paradigm.

Please help spread word of these publications by sharing, republishing, and
blogging about them.

In January, the GTN discussion—Toward a Great Ethics Transition—will
consider the moral and ethical foundations for a Great Transition. Our
point of departure will be a reflection on the
<https://earthcharter.org/discover/the-earth-charter/> Earth Charter
<https://earthcharter.org/discover/the-earth-charter/> , which turns twenty
in 2020. We will hear from Earth Charter veterans, and also, *I hope*, from
many of you drawing on complementary experiences and approaches.

The GTN Bulletin Board <https://greattransition.org/bulletin-board/> is the
place on our site to share news of publications, events, etc., with the
1000+ GT Network (submit info to jc...@tellus.org). Recent entries include:
•    Ashish Kothari, “Earth Vikalp Sangam: Proposal for a Global Tapestry
of Alternatives”
•    Conference announcement—The Great Transition International Conference
(not formally affiliated with GTI)
•    Chico Whitaker, “World Social Forum – Possible Perspectives”

As a grim year wanes, we can be forgiven a sense of foreboding and despair.
Events are painfully confirming a fundamental premise of the Great
Transition scenario: Conventional World paths lead to systemic crises and
barbarized reaction. Our task and hope is to confirm another fundamental
premise—that the crisis will continue to coalesce a mass movement for deep

I wish all of you and yours the best of fortune in the year ahead.

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