---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Thomas and Jens at Commons Network <tho...@commonsnetwork.eu>
Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 5:13 PM
Subject: Summer Update: New Projects and New Ideas
To: Michel <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

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Dear Michel,

As the dust settles, we make our first steps outside, re-connecting,
re-building, making new plans. In spite of physicial restrictions, our team
is using the many lessons from this pandemic to move forward.

We're glad to be able to share some of these updates and plans with you.
For instance, we can proudly say that we have kicked-off the collaborative
writing of the *Amsterdam Commons Transition Plan*

Many of you have shown interest in *our research project about the links
between commons thinking and the future of Dutch social security*
You can find updates and stories about this below.

Of course, much of our energy has been devoted to our ongoing work in the
Access to Medicines movement. With the most ferocious pandemic in a century
reaking havoc all over the world, ensuring access to treatment is more
crucial than ever. We've written a few in-depth articles about the links
between corona and access to medicines, which you can find below or *here*
and *here*
and *here*

In our last newsletter, a few months ago, *we told you*
about some of the changes in our organisation. We proudly announced Spring
Gombe and Godelieve van Heteren as our new board members. Now, we are happy
to have finalized the new board with the addition of Sandra Bos, urban
management researcher at the Hogeschool of Amsterdam. We will publish an
introductory interview with her very soon, but we couldn't wait to share
the news!

Finally, Winne van Woerden *joined our team*
to investigate the connections between degrowth, health and the practice of
commoning. She will share more updates from her work soon!

Greetings on behalf of the CN team,

Thomas , Jens and Sophie

*Kick-off: Commons Transition Plan for Amsterdam*
*Amsterdammer en geïnteresseerd? **Lees hier
h**oe je meedoet.*

*Re-thinking Dutch social security in a changing world*
*Read here*
about our research on subsistence security and commons, how we work and
next steps.*

*Covid-19 and access to medicines*
*Three pieces about acces to - covid-19 - medicines. One about Costa Rica's
call for global knowledge sharing,
a two-fold piece on the so-called knowledge and patent 'pool', part 1
and part 2

*This is how commoners work: new stories from the field*
*Learning from commoners and their practices is key to much of our work. In
the context of our research on commons and subsistence security, we share
two new stories: care coop Zorgcooperatie Hoogeloon
and food coop V

*Reconciling the commons with the Dutch Omgevingsvisie (video)*
*Together with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, we organized
an online session on the crossroads between commons and a new, very
comprehensive Dutch law called the Omgevingsvisie. Watch the video

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Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://commonstransition.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
P2P Foundation - Mailing list

Blog - http://www.blog.p2pfoundation.net
Wiki - http://www.p2pfoundation.net

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a donation. Thank you for your support.


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