---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Tim Adalin <voicecraftcollect...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 1:04 PM
Subject: Welcome to Voicecraft Collective. Discernment on the Way.
To: <michelsub2...@gmail.com>

Thank you being here. Here's a little on what to expect.
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Welcome here,

In the noise of our digital age I hope the signal here is worth your while.

My name is Tim Adalin - a made up name that's more real than my real name,
which isn't really real at all.

In terms of artefacts, this project is about creating philosophical art --
generative conversations about what's really real, and how we can come to
be in right relationship with it.

In terms of embodied vision, it's about co-developing a coordinating
channel for artful communication, living philosophy, and wiser action in
the world.

If you're new to this project, I've included links to the podcast below,
along with some choice sensemaking articles and resources I hope you find

All is not right in our world. And yet there is the next right action.

Here we go.

*Sensemaking Resources*

Civilization Emerging
- a wonderful resource to inform better sensemaking about the relation
between individual, culture, and nature in our present day, by Daniel

An overview of John Vervaeke's thought
- Awakening From The Meaning Crisis professor and guest of the Voicecraft
podcast John Vervaeke recently presented a summary of his 50 part lecture
series in this interview. Vervaeke is a pioneering cognitive scientist with
some of the most salient frameworks to help make sense of the state of self
and society.

The Internet Of Beefs
article by Venkatesh Rao - a helpful frame through which to see the present
deterioration of communication in the online world.

*Subscribing to the Voicecraft podcast.*

Subscribe to the Voicecraft podcast here.

*A network to join*

If you find the podcast resonant, you might consider participating in
artful conversations with the network. Explore here.

*Something to listen to*

An invitation to appreciate Being
courtesy of the genius Max Richter

Discernment on the Way,


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