
On Friday, November 29, 2002, at 02:19 AM, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 Speaking of Perl Web Server vulnerabilities....
pWins allows directory transversal via unicode characters (%255, you know, nimda stuff).. If it's installed on the c drive, you can get to any file (ahem.. sam._) easily.. for example, http://SomeWebServer/../../windows/repair/sam._

no exploit provided because too trivial..

Hah! I checked the source of this thing, this guy takes security very seriously:

# Bei dieser Funktion handelt es sich um den eigentlichen Sicherheitscheck von
# pWins bei Perlscripten. Sie parst den Sourcecode vor der verarbeitung nach
# Befehlen, die nicht vorkommen d¸rfen weil sie die Serversicherheit gef‰hrden
# w¸rden.

# Derzeit handelt es sich hierbei nur um einen Test

sub Parse {

$cgi_bin = $_[1];

$file = substr($_[2], 1, (length($_[2])-1));

open(SCRIPT, "$cgi_bin"."$file");



my @type = split(/\n/);

foreach my $line (@type){

unless($line =~ /^#/){

if($line eq /system/){

my $securecounter = 1;






if($securecounter != 0){return(1)};


See? Whenever the server receives a request to run a perl cgi script, it parses it and refuses to run it if the word "system" occurs in it! Even in a comment whose '#' has whitespace in front of it!

Who said parsing perl was hard?



ps. I wonder if we could make a really good perl application server based on this?

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