Stephen Adkins writes:
> I will be downloading bOP and evaluating making P5EE work
> with it.

I don't think many people are interested in a bOP adapter.

> Rob: Does this seem like a good idea, and would you and
> bivio Software Artisans, Inc. look kindly on such a
> development?

We always like people using bOP.  It makes it stronger better

> (Presumably this code base is actively developed, 
> with lots of vision and direction for where it is going in
> the future.)

We use bOP daily in our projects.  Think of us as the arsDigita for
the new millennium.  ;-)

> Are there other mature transaction processing packages for
> Perl that I should be evaluating?

I think we need a definition of transaction processing.  Anything that
uses mod_perl and a database is processing transactions.  There are a
zillion platforms, most of which are not publicly available.  Just
yesterday I was talking with a company which uses Perl, PHP, and
Oracle/PL/SQL.  They have an architecture which has evolved over time
and certainly suits their needs.  They process well over 100,000
transactions a day.

The question you need to ask is: What would make this random company
choose P5EE over their own infrastructure?

bOP has been "on the market" for almost a year.  I don't know anybody
who is using it for real work other than us.  I have conversed with a
number of people about bOP.  I have lectured at my local university.
If you type "OLTP" into google, our site is listed first.  My point is
that even with a lot of code, some documentation, and some marketing,
it is really hard to sell "in the enterprise".  I think this is the
point Matt and others are trying to make, too.


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